How much do you feed??

Discussion in 'Labrador Puppies' started by K10, Jul 10, 2016.

  1. K10

    K10 Registered Users

    Jul 8, 2016
    how much do you or did you feed your pup at around 15 weeks, and how often?
    Annnnnd what food?

    (Matilda's on her second day of soft stools... She's fine in herself but they're just really soft not formed at all, once a day maybe one is normal... Just want to rule out the food, she has just had her last vaccine and wormed at same time so I'm guessing that may be why??)
  2. MaccieD

    MaccieD Guest

    Juno was still on 3 meals a day at 15 weeks and I started reducing to 2 meals at 16 weeks which took around a month to complete by slowly reducing the lunch time meal and gradually increasing breakfast and dinner. As a pup she was feed Husse Valp Maxi which she loved and thrived on with no tummy issues at all. I can't remember how much she had a day but I used the amount of grammes recommended for her weight and age and find the quantity was absolutely fine with her and she had a steady weight gain of 500g a week. She was weighed every four weeks so I could keep a check on growth and re-calculate the daily allowance.

    It's not possible to say how much you should be feeding Matilda as all manufacturers recommend different amounts and many over estimate a puppies needs which can lead to runny poo. It is possible that Matilda's runny poo is due to the combination of vaccination and worming at the same time, I actively avoid worming + any other medication/treatment as far as possible, but it may also be due to too much food so worth re-calculating the manufacturers suggested amount and perhaps reducing to see if that helps.
  3. drjs@5

    drjs@5 Registered Users

    Jun 2, 2012
    Fife, Scotland
    Hi K10,
    It depends a lot on what food you are using. As MaccieD says, manufacturers often overestimate amounts needed, and a lot of the labelling can be misleading too.
    I think there is such a wide range of foods used on this site, you won't get much consensus on what to choose!
    Sticking to something mid-range or above, and "as good as you can afford" is a good rule of thumb.
    I would say also feeding about 90% of the manufacturers recommended to start with too.
    There are SO many things to upset their little tummies. Sometimes feeding too large a meal or feeding too much in total can make them loose and running. Sticking to 3 or 4 small meals a day is preferable to 2 or 3 larger meals.
    I agree that vaccines and wormers can also upset pups (and older dogs) but believe they are necessary to protect them. The benefits for most far outweigh any ill effects, as anyone who has a pup affected by Parvo will attest to this.
    Kelsey&Axel likes this.
  4. MaccieD

    MaccieD Guest

    UST realised that my previous post suggests that I don't vaccinate etc which is so not correct. I meant to say that I actively try not to vaccinate or use other medication and give a wormer at the same time. I try to leave at least 24 hours between vaccinations and wormers.
  5. K10

    K10 Registered Users

    Jul 8, 2016
    Ok so that's quite possibly where I went wrong... She had the vaccine and worked on the same day :(
    She's ok in her self! Just popping!
    She had rice this morning and rice water to drink.... Hoping this helps to settle her
  6. MaccieD

    MaccieD Guest

    @K10 If she's no better tomorrow I would have a chat with the vet as continuing soft poos in a young puppy should be investigated and resolved. Hoping she's better soon :)
  7. K10

    K10 Registered Users

    Jul 8, 2016
    I'm hoping to see some formed poops today. I'll keep you updated :)

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