I love my Molly, 5 months in a couple of days. No more crazy mornings, limited biting and jumping, cuddles with the 4 yr old and now trys to play with every dog she sees rather than running away from them. Still lots to do but we've come along way. Is this the calm before the teenage storm?!
No!! I suspect there will still be difficult days but she won't revert to that biting monster and now you've started to build a relationship with her you'll be able to deal with problems more easily. Lovely to read your post.
That's great to read I'm looking forward to that day with my Molly who is currently 13 weeks and a hooligan
Not all teenagers are horrors! I got off very lightly with my two on that one, and, although I had to go back to basics with lots of my training, knowing it was just because they were finding it hard to concentrate in this new, exciting world made it a lot easier for me to keep my cool. Enjoy your pup
Thanks for giving those of us with younger pups hope I'm trying to encourage 13 week old Xena to just chill with me on the sofa and she's just not getting it - tries to climb all over me, barks in my face, won't settle, gets nippy. Sigh, cuddle dog will come, cuddle dog will come...
Such a lovely post to read I think I got off lightly with Harley during the teenage phase. Don't get me wrong, she wasn't perfect