Hello world, I'm Stryker

Discussion in 'Introductions & Saying Hello' started by Stryker, Jul 25, 2016.

  1. Stryker

    Stryker Registered Users

    Jul 24, 2016
    Sacramento, CA
    Hello everybody my name is Stryker and my masters name is Everett.

    I am just 9 weeks old and I'm a handful. My favorite word is No which my master seems to tell me all the time. I haven't figured out how to walk forward on a leash but I sure can put up a mean moonwalk. I enjoy chewing on things that I'm not suppose to like cords, shoes and little pits of paper and whatever else I see laying on the ground.

    Kelsey&Axel and Blackdog402 like this.
  2. Rosie

    Rosie Registered Users

    Feb 14, 2014
    South Wales
    Welcome Stryker!
    Yes, humans are a funny bunch and they use really silly words.

    My mum says "Pongokumhere" which means "carry on doing whatever you like".
    And then she says "Pongokumhere NOW" which also means "carry on doing whatever you like".
    And then she says "PongoIreelymeenitthistimeKUMHERENOW" "wander off over in that direction and have a really good sniff at something".

    She's funny. But I quite like here really. Good luck training your new "master" (ha ha ha)

  3. Oberon

    Oberon Supporting Member Forum Supporter

    Mar 6, 2013
    Canberra, Australia
    Welcome to the forum, Stryker!

    If you occasionally do what they seem to want you can get treats. Work the whole 'training' thing to your advantage. Reserve your most obedient and attentive behaviour for times when they are using the treats you like the most. If the treats are not up to standard then simply ignore the human until they offer the behaviour (treats) you want. That's the way to teach them that they need to use the best treats all the time. This is called 'shaping'.

    Karen, snowbunny and Rosie like this.
  4. PawPrints

    PawPrints Registered Users

    Jun 14, 2016
    Welcome Stryker!
  5. SteffiS

    SteffiS Registered Users

    Aug 14, 2015
    Fife, Scotland
    Hello Striker, I'm Ripple and I've been busy training my mum and dad for the past year. I've also been trying to train the two cats who live here as well but I've been very disappointed with them so far as they just keep running away :cat::tail::cat:.
    snowbunny likes this.
  6. edzbird

    edzbird Registered Users

    Mar 31, 2015
    Isle of Man
    Hello Stryker, I'm Coco, I'm TWO. You've had some great advice re training Everett, I'm sure you'll have him licked into shape soon - they love being licked by the way.
  7. lorilou61

    lorilou61 Registered Users

    May 13, 2014
    Indiana USA
    Hello Stryker and welcome! I've learned lots of fascinating words from my mom! But she says it's best not to share them here. Not to worry. Give it a few months or maybe several and your Everett will finally figure it all out. In the meantime, it'll be great fun watching him leap, run, shout and wave frantically while you go about your day.
  8. Stryker

    Stryker Registered Users

    Jul 24, 2016
    Sacramento, CA
    Thanks everybody!

    My master told me he was going tomorrow to buy a clicker so he can train me. I just looked at him and laughed (barked). I've agreed to let him play his little games only for the treats. Silly human, he still hasn't learned the lesson of, If it's reachable it's mine!

    He has this other human that comes over almost daily now. She's really nice to me. When he says No, I run to her and she gives me all kinds of love. Suckers don't realize I'm the smart one and they are the dumb ones. Soon human, you will obey!


    Ok typing like that gives me a headache. For 9 weeks old he's pretty smart. He has a few times gone to the back door and sat there crying to let me know he had to go out and at night I tell him time to be quiet and does really well (at times). I think he might have a little Australian Shepherd in him as the lady I got him from was a Foster parent said the mom is 100% Black Lab but she's unsure of who the father is because at the time she had a male lab and a male Australian Shepherd in her home. He has white on his paws, chin and a brownish white stripe down his chest.

    He was a birthday present because on June 1st I had to put my 9 year old black lab down. He had arthritis really bad and after a year of trips to the vet and medication, the last three days of his time with us he was going pee on himself and wouldn't move. The last 2 days of those three he had stopped eating so I knew it was time. It was really had for me to let go but I knew it was time.

    That being said, I had forgotten how much of a pain in the butt puppies can be but I know over time he and I will be loyal towards each other as my previous lab. I've only had him for 3 days so it'll take time and loads of patients but it's all worth it.
    Karen and Rosie like this.
  9. SwampDonkey

    SwampDonkey Registered Users

    Jun 16, 2015
    leicestershire uk
    :doug:yep its always worth it. Im sorry you lost your old lab, but hopefully you latest little one will help you. You never forget your old dogs but a young pup is the best distraction I can think off.

    Hope everything goes well for you all.
  10. snowbunny

    snowbunny Registered Users

    Aug 27, 2014
    Andorra and Spain
    Hello and welcome to you and Stryker, from me, Willow and Shadow :)
  11. lucy@labforumHQ

    lucy@labforumHQ Administrator Forum Supporter

    Oct 14, 2013
    Hi Stryker and Everett, Welcome to the forum! :)
  12. mandyb

    mandyb Registered Users

    Oct 25, 2013
    East Devon
    Hi and welcome from me and Lucan.

    Love the name Stryker.:)
  13. Naya

    Naya Registered Users

    Sep 14, 2013
    Bristol, UK
    Hi and welcome to both of you from me and Harley
  14. Cath

    Cath Registered Users

    Jan 17, 2015
    Hello and welcome to the forum from Fred, Annie and me. Have you a photo of Stryker for us?
  15. Stryker

    Stryker Registered Users

    Jul 24, 2016
    Sacramento, CA
    Here you go

    Also I had a question as it's been a very long time since I've had a puppy. Today was 108 degrees outside and he was laying in front of a window AC I have in above my bed and still was panting pretty bad. So I figured I would get the water going in the bath tub and put him in it. It wasn't deep and I didn't plug it so it would drain but still keep a little in there. He was doing fine, just kind of walking about and licking it. I have a shower head attachment that you can remove it from the wall if you wanted and still use it. As soon as I turned it on, it wasn't pointing at him or anything, he freaked out. He started crying like he was being abused and trying with all his might to get out of the tub.

    Is this an indication that he's not going to like water? My last dog loved water in any form (Well except for bath times).
  16. SwampDonkey

    SwampDonkey Registered Users

    Jun 16, 2015
    leicestershire uk
    No but he may have never seen one before or he may have had a shower and not enjoyed before you got him.
  17. snowbunny

    snowbunny Registered Users

    Aug 27, 2014
    Andorra and Spain
    I think the hissing noise that showers make can be quite scary for dogs, especially if they feel trapped. I'd start by having him at the door of the bathroom, feeding him lots of treats while the shower is on, and gradually get closer. Then have him in the tub and let him sniff the shower, without any water coming out. When he's comfortable with it, touch him with it, massage him with the end etc, all with it turned off and do this a lot before you try turning it on. When you think he's ready to have it turned on, I'd try having it on before he gets in the tub, because that first spluttering noise you often get with a shower could also scare him.
  18. Stryker

    Stryker Registered Users

    Jul 24, 2016
    Sacramento, CA
    Oh that's good to hear.

    After I turned the shower off he calmed down and was just watching the water come from the faucet. Then I put some water in my hand and I would "pet" him. I did that until he was wet enough to cool him off. I know from past vet visits with my other lab I had that you're not suppose to use soap that often on labs due to their coats holding on to oils their body needs for protection.

    I got so used to my other lab who, in my eyes, was the best dog ever. Never any aggression but protective, loyal and loved water no matter if it was liquid form or snow. So I hope this little guy is the same way.

    Thanks for the advice! I'm sure I'll be asking many more questions as he develops his personality.
    Karen likes this.
  19. drjs@5

    drjs@5 Registered Users

    Jun 2, 2012
    Fife, Scotland
    Hi there....just wanted to say welcome from me and Lilly :)
  20. mcatalao

    mcatalao Registered Users

    Jul 18, 2016

    So typical... :)
    Stacia and snowbunny like this.

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