I'm worried about my chocolate puppy. He's 8 weeks and I see no sign of testicles. Is this common? I will be taking him to the vet soon.
They don't tend to 'drop' for another couple of weeks , but they will be there , just very small at the minute xx
My boy took til about 9 months for his second testicle to drop. If they don't come down at all its something to discuss with your vet but you've time yet to see what happens
I hope you're not taking him to the vet for this reason! They will drop and by 9 months they'll be hanging like Christmas tree ornaments.
Snowie is 4.5 years old now and he still has what to me looks like small testicles. I don't really have much to go on because most dogs around here are neutered. But those that aren't seem to have these great dangling purse sacks. There are some dogs who have been neutered that seem to have more dangly flappy bits that Snowie has intact. He's completely normal, the balls are most definitely there; they're just not huge and dangly. Somehow we expect each dog to fit a textbook description! I wish I could remember these bits as a puppy -- I vaguely remember that it took some time for his "goolies" (as the breeder's husband called them) to fully develop.
Our friends dog had this. The vet suggested it was because he was a bit older (4) when he was desexed. We used to call it his 'purse'