Bearing in mind that we try to protect these little puppy joints, does anyone else's pup fling themselves about 5 feet off the ground in an excessive welcome when you come home? Molly goes into a frenzy of welcome involving leaps, teeth, feet and slapping tongue Its lovely that she is so pleased to see me but this whole performance makes me cringe ..... ooooh
I loved the super enthusiastic welcome the pups used to give us when we got home (although normally for my husband, because I work form home so come home to them far less frequently!). But, I had my sensible head on and knew I wouldn't want two full-grown Labs throwing themselves at me, so I ignored them until they calmed down and I could stroke them nicely. They're still super enthusiastic, with full body wags, but it's a lot less bouncy. I still get the occasional jump up, but it's a lot more leisurely and I don't mind it, so I don't bother discouraging it. And my Willow does the cutest little smile, where she wrinkles her nose and bares her teeth in welcome. I love it
Agreed, while I am super happy that my puppy is glad that I am home, I flash forward a couple of months and before I know it I will have a 90# brick wall plowing me down. I agree, stand up and ignore them until they calm down, and then greet them on your terms. It's safer for everyone down the line. They can't think it is OK to jump on people. Someone may get hurt. Just my 2 cents
Talking about wanting to protect the joints, though, you should have seen my Shadow. Honestly, the boy was (and still is) a lunatic. He'll jump anything, without a care in the world. Straight over the sofa in one bound, without even thinking, even when he was still a puppy. One time, he and Willow were over-excited and bum-tucking around the apartment while I was chopping frankfurter for a training session, when he suddenly leapt, four-footed like a cat, onto the kitchen worktop next to me. I don't know who was more surprised, me or him! On walks, he'd hurl himself over vertical drops, roll down snow banks.... the whole nine yards. How he didn't do himself serious damage, I'll never know.
Awww, yes it is scary. I do ignore Molly's cavorting but then being a daft sort I feel guilty that I've ignored her loving approaches. Stupid I know and YES I will keep ignoring it until she gets back on 4 feet. Then, of course, I hug her to bits
It's so difficult, I agree. They're so excited to see you and you feel so mean for turning the cold shoulder!
Bailey waits until I sit on the settee and then say "cuddles" he then leaps (all four feet at the same time) into my lap, front paws on my shoulders and he head snuggling into my neck....melts my heart every time
I pick the little ones up to greet them, that can't possibly become a habit lol. Once they are too heavy to pick up I give them a toy to hold and only greet when all four paws are down. It works. If only I'd known that when I got Tatze! She STILL tries to greet everyone by jumping up ...
It is the best time of the day to be honest - although as he gets bigger and heavier I'm trying to get him to jump to the side of me rather than landing on top of me