For the first time in what seems like a long time, it has clouded over and rained quite seriously today. Molly and I were in the garden as the rain started and her reaction served to remind me how very young and inexperienced with life she is. She is about 4 months old and when I look back, we have hardly had any rain since she's been with us - we are in the West Country. Dear little thing, she looked up and all around and actually jumped back, ears back and anxious about some heavier drops, seeming to try to find where these scary wet splashes were coming from. This actually served as a bit of a jolt to me to stop overestimating her behaviour/reactions/responses to everything and to realise how much she still needs company and reassurance. Note to self: MUST be more patient and watch more closely her reactions.
Bless her. I bet it is a bit scary for them when they first experience rain. I ended up playing in the rain in the garden when Harley was about 10/12 weeks old as she wouldn't go outside to have a wee. I looked like an idiot jumping around, making happy squealing noises and playing with toys by myself whilst she stood just inside the door staring at me for over 10 mins before coming out for all of 30 seconds for a wee
Awww. Mine screamed bloody murder when he got rained on the first time. You would have thought it was raining daggers. Poor thing. He quickly got used to it though, thank Goodness!
The look I get from Bailey if he has to go out in the rain is pure "I hate you mum"....takes ages to get him out of the back door for a very quick pee where I can get to first and mad dash back inside! As for walks in the rain I have a sulky boy for the first couple of minutes, with plenty of reproachful looks, then he gets the scent of a rabbit and the rain is forgotten!
How sweet. They really are such babies even if sometimes big ones. Everything is so new and scary sometimes.