That'll be an interesting one about the head collar ,as one of the other dogs in our class is a full grown German Shepard who is on a head collar ( one that goes around the mouth type ) and has never been asked to use just collar . Hmmmm class could get interesting for the trainer ! Thanks so much @Joy for pointing me in the right direction , could hug ya X
Oh, boy, we've had many training days like that. Homer and I go regularly to a dog club, after the puppy class it's of just a few of us with the tainer and his dog included. Is very relaxed, we're working slowly towards KC gold. Even though Homer is just 4 now we still have loopy days. Fortunately any one of us could be having a loopy day at any given time so we just have a laugh and play games. A dog on a head collar still needs to learn to walk to heal calmly. Yes, I agree they may make the initial training easier but I wouldn't go as far as to describe a head collar as restraining. I think that the head collar or a harness may suit different dogs and the needs of different owners.
I'm not bothered what people use on their dogs at all , whatever helps . I'm just a bit miffed with the trainer insisting I use only a lead , but doesn't insist the man using head collar uses only a lead too . Maybe because head collar man is about 6ft 3 and built like a tank lol @Jes72 your training class sounds so much fun ! And it's good to know even grown ups have their loony days
Agree completely. What on earth is the point of a test of walking at heel if the dog does so while wearing a head collar? Unbelievable.
I've never used a head collar so sorry if this is a stupid question Do head collars prevent a dog walking to heel or do they work by keeping the dog in the heel position ?
They give the handler control over the dog's head. A dog can't pull because it can't move its head forward.