Sand pit (or other suggestions)

Discussion in 'Labrador Puppies' started by Briar, Aug 30, 2016.

  1. Briar

    Briar Registered Users

    Aug 26, 2016
    Little pup is quite the avid digger, and has been turning our kitchen floor a lovely shade of brown ;) I read the article on digging and see the suggestion for a sand pit. I'm wondering if anyone here has any experiences on using one. Is it going to be any less messy than digging in the dirt, eg, will we just be trading him tracking in sand instead of mud? Does it get kicked out of the pit constantly? Any other suggestions?

    I'm also thinking of getting him a little shallow wading pool to get used to being in water and also to cool off on hot days. I filled a jelly roll pan with water and led him to stand in it with treats, as today was quite hot, as a test. At first he was unsure but pretty soon he was standing in on all fours for the treat. Him being a Lab I thought it would bring him enjoyment later in life if he learned to enjoy water as a pup and then he can wade streams etc when he's bigger? What do you think?

    Thanks for your input as always :)
  2. Oberon

    Oberon Supporting Member Forum Supporter

    Mar 6, 2013
    Canberra, Australia
    I think it's a great idea to get him used to paddling in water. Starting with a small, shallow dish like you did was a good idea. You can gradually upscale as he grows. When he's big enough to get in and out of it he'll probably love a proper padding pool. A love of water is a good thing to cultivate - it's great for cooling off and swimming is great exercise too.

    I haven't used a sand pit myself but it's something I'd definitely consider if I had a digger. I'd say that there might be a bit of sand tracked into the house - that'd be the downside. If you make the pit big enough I don't think much sand would be kicked out. What were you thinking of using to make one?
  3. Naya

    Naya Registered Users

    Sep 14, 2013
    Bristol, UK
    Harley went through a stage of digging in my garden and it drive me mad. Every time we refilled the whole she would dig it up again. In the end I stopped filling the holes but distracted her when she looked like she was going to start digging. After a week of distracting her every time she gave up digging. Personally I didn't want her digging so didn't look at alternatives.
    We have got a small kids sand/water plastic shell which we use as a paddling pool. Harley loves it and has been going in there all summer (apart from the last few days as has a paw injury). I wouldn't be without a pool now as when she's hot she pops herself in it to cool down.
  4. Sven

    Sven Registered Users

    May 23, 2016
    I got a sandpit for our little one. She loves it, but if it has been raining she will go and still dig on the lawn. Just loves the smell of soil. This I just manage and redirect.
    Having a sandpit does allow you to bury treats and toys. I know Vanilla will take a treat and bury it for a later time. Then come in at a wierd time all happy, me thinking she has a something she should not have. But her face says 'I have found my stash of treats'...
  5. Samantha Jones

    Samantha Jones Registered Users

    Apr 19, 2016
    Hi I've got a paddling pool for Bailey - he loves "digging" in the water. Not got room for a sandpit but he's not a determined digger, more of a splasher. Although he well NOT lay down in the water, or sit down which is quite funny to watch, no issue putting his head under water just not his tummy :D
  6. JulieT

    JulieT Registered Users

    Jun 15, 2013
    I think digging is great natural exercise for a pup - what could be better for developing those front leg muscles? :D Charlie isn't a great digger, but Betsy is quite enthusiastic! We allow her to dig wherever she wants outside to cries of keeping going Bets, make Australia! (I'm planning to fill the holes with Fuchsias next Springtime, it's bare anyway because Charlie killed off my fern collection by weeing on them. :rolleyes::(:D ). Plus, weed surpressing mat over the gravel defeats her, so she can only dig in the soil beds anyway.

    [​IMG]IMG_1596 by julieandcharlie julieandcharlie, on Flickr
    QuinnM15, Joy, Edp and 2 others like this.
  7. JulieT

    JulieT Registered Users

    Jun 15, 2013
    Oh, after the digging, in yer pool is on cue, so we get washed off before going inside. Wet mats inside, but they are plastic anyway. :D

    [​IMG]pool2 by julieandcharlie julieandcharlie, on Flickr
    Briar and Edp like this.
  8. Boogie

    Boogie Supporting Member Forum Supporter

    Mar 29, 2014
    Guide dogs gave a huge sandpit at Big School - the size of a field!


    Briar likes this.
  9. Briar

    Briar Registered Users

    Aug 26, 2016
  10. Oberon

    Oberon Supporting Member Forum Supporter

    Mar 6, 2013
    Canberra, Australia
    That's the sort of thing we have for our dog. Should be fine if you put a paver or two inside and always make sure he's supervised until he's old enough to easily step in and out himself. Just let him explore it and go in once he's ready, in his own time :)

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