Giardia, Socialization and Biting - PLEASE HELP:(

Discussion in 'Labrador Puppies' started by LouieMom, Aug 31, 2016.

  1. LouieMom

    LouieMom Registered Users

    Aug 31, 2016
    Hi everyone,

    We brought our puppy home at 8 weeks from a reputable breeder whom we'd met and researched ahead of time. She did warn us when we picked him up that some of his littermates had Giardia and not to be surprised if he tested positive for it too. Not surprisingly, he did when we brought him to the vet the next day. We put him on the medicine, a powder, but he started projectile vomiting after being on it. They switched him to panacur. He completed the treatment, but just tested positive again today.

    Here are our concerns that we shared with the vet. We haven't been able to socialize him with other dogs because the puppy kindergarten classes require evidence of a clean stool sample. He's almost 12 weeks now. He has been having these episodes of unprovoked biting and snarling that concerned the vet. I know that puppies nip and bite during play, but this is different. For example, I tried to walk him around in the yard today when he laid down and started chewing on a stick. I said, "come here Louie" and turned to walk. I didn't pull on the harness at all. He made eye contact and started lunging and snarling at me. I held the leash out to prevent him from getting at me, but he was able to lunge several times biting through my pants leaving large purple bruises and puncturing my skin. He doesn't stop if I turn my back, remove attention, etc. I tried using the commands I have taught him, but he was completely out of control biting me for at least 3 minutes. People on the street were stopping their cars to see if I was ok because he was attacking me! I have tried holding a toy to redirect him, having treats, etc., but when he does this he is completely out of his mind and seems like a different dog. This is about the 3rd time he has done this to me. Yesterday I had a very positive training session with him where I had him staying, sitting, and settling. So, I guess my question is - am I crazy or is this outside of the realm of normal puppy behavior? What am I doing wrong? I am home all day and he is crate trained. He gets lots of attention and love from our family and I am at my wits end. Please help.
  2. Boogie

    Boogie Supporting Member Forum Supporter

    Mar 29, 2014
    Here is an excellent article -

    At 12 weeks it really isn't aggression, it just seems like it. Some pups are incredibly rough in their play and easily bruise and puncture skin. Both Tatze and Gypsy were both like this.

    Three times is not many - mine were doing it several times a day. You need to be more determined and persistent than they are, not easy when you are tired! Sometimes lots of attention and love can over-tire them, maybe he needs putting in his crate for a snooze before he gets to this? Kongs are great for settling them in crates.

    UncleBob likes this.
  3. SwampDonkey

    SwampDonkey Registered Users

    Jun 16, 2015
    leicestershire uk
    Rory was very ill as a pup and wasn't able yo go to pup classes or puppy socialization classes. He had severe colitis and wasn't fully vaccinated until at least 18 weeks. I made sure he had nice calm contact with older calmer vacinated dogs. Then when he was better I then got him in to some puppy classes. He was much bigger than them being so much older but it did help.hes a nice dog at nearly 3. It just ment i had to make sure the meetings he had with other dogs were managed carefully and can be ok I just felt he missed out but he seems very happy and steady now. He did bite a lot but he was on steriods and in pain too so I just ignored diverted and managed that until he was better and less frustrated and in pain.I also learnt to massage him which relaxed him enough to calm down a rest. He nearly died he was so ill out of all my dog's he's been the one to steal my heart the quickest I felt so deeply for him. it was very hard and I did look like I self harmed for some time as he could be very bitey but it was just puppy crazy and pain.
  4. JulieT

    JulieT Registered Users

    Jun 15, 2013
    It's not aggression at all - it's normal. Hard though this is to believe at times. My latest puppy is an absolute horror for biting, jumping up, ripping clothes etc. She is getting a lot better now (4.5 months) but certainly still has her moments! Honestly, the bruises...had to be seen to be believed, really.

    When she was 3 months, Betsy jumped up and bit my friend on her bum, ripped a massive hole in her leggings and knickers and broke the skin! I didn't laugh...much, anyway. (My friend didn't think it funny at all, at the time anyway).
  5. Boogie

    Boogie Supporting Member Forum Supporter

    Mar 29, 2014
    I take my Guide Dog puppies everywhere with me, I'm often asked by people if they can cuddle the pups. One person, who I know quite well has Golden Retrievers and I judged would know what crocodiles they are - cuddled Gypsy close to his neck. She took a chunk out of his ear and it bled profusely! :oops:

  6. JulieT

    JulieT Registered Users

    Jun 15, 2013
    HeeHee - we thought Betsy was a vampire for quite a while...we kept her well away from our throats....
  7. JenBainbridge

    JenBainbridge Registered Users

    Jun 28, 2016
    Darlington, UK

    I bought some nice new expensive jeans then decided to take Stanley for a walk.

    He got over-excited and lunged at my leg.. Ripping a big hole in my new jeans.

    He was in the bad books that day, I can laugh now though
  8. Kelsey&Axel

    Kelsey&Axel Registered Users

    May 5, 2016
    I still have scars all over my arms and Axel is now 8 months old. He hasn't hurt me since about 4 months old. But those puppy days were horrid.

    Hang in there. I found bully sticks to be my best friend as well as frozen kongs. :D And as soon as I felt a biting frenzy coming I gently lead him to his crate and he fell asleep every time so I figured it was from being over tired or maybe from being over stimulated for too long
  9. Edp

    Edp Registered Users

    Mar 16, 2014
    I think we all have holes in clothes and memories of this stage. Meg is now 2 and would not bite or chew anything but only yesterday I was thinking about throwing out my favourite tracksuit bottoms that she put umpteen holes in and now they are shredding . Stick with will pass...promise Emma and Meg .
  10. SwampDonkey

    SwampDonkey Registered Users

    Jun 16, 2015
    leicestershire uk
    How are you all doing today?

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