At wits end. Please help!

Discussion in 'Labrador Puppies' started by fevermaps, Oct 6, 2016.

  1. fevermaps

    fevermaps Registered Users

    Jul 31, 2016
    Hello! I have a nearly 5 month old pup who ive had since he was 2 months old.

    He has only ever pee'd inside the house twice since we've had him but for the past few days he is weeing non stop in the house like he was never toilet trained. We have no idea why!

    He also hardly ever listens to anything we say unless we have a treat and constantly bites my two year old in the face! We are at puppy classes but we are struggling.

    He is just so full on and i'm starting to feel distressed.
  2. JenBainbridge

    JenBainbridge Registered Users

    Jun 28, 2016
    Darlington, UK
    Does he have a water infection?

    When we got Stanley he was doing little wee's all over the house. I took him to the vets and he had a UTI. If it's out of character I'd definitely get him checked out.
  3. fevermaps

    fevermaps Registered Users

    Jul 31, 2016
    Its not a little wee and its not all the time. It's like his normal ones but now just in the house.
  4. Edp

    Edp Registered Users

    Mar 16, 2014
    I agree...worth checking a water infection...and back to basics..helicopter Mum and treat when outside. Regarding biting...totally normal...he is in the crocopup phase...put it in the search bar above and read many many threads. Labs are well known for it and mostly delightfully grow through it and are the wonderful dogs we love. Keep your 2 year old separated in this's just not worth it. Wait until through it. I kept my twin 6 years very distant until my gorgeous Meg had stopped biting. Now she is 2 they are best pals. :)
  5. fevermaps

    fevermaps Registered Users

    Jul 31, 2016
    Thanks for your response! Can i ask how you kept them seperate whilst still spending time with them. We have a crate and a baby gate on the kitchen but i feel that Ziggy (our lab) would never be in the rooms with us.
  6. Naya

    Naya Registered Users

    Sep 14, 2013
    Bristol, UK
    I would get him checked over by a vet just to rule out an infection.

    Could you put Ziggy's crate in the living room? It might help to pop him in their when he gets a bit bitey. That will give you a bit of respite from the biting but still have him with you.
  7. Sophiathesnowfairy

    Sophiathesnowfairy Registered Users

    Apr 7, 2016
    Northern Ireland
    Just reiterating wiser voices! We have a 8 month lab and a 3 year old, I still keep them separate as much as poss particularly if I am not about. We have a big crate which I used to move into the kitchen/living area so the kids could chill and Luna could rest. Puppies need lots of rest and with little ones about they won't usually just take them selves off. Then they get over tired and over excited and accidents happen.

    She grew out of the nipping but can still be very overexcited at times and she is big so I think nothing of giving here crate time in the day when we are here all day, now it is in the hall. When the kids are at school and nursery it is much calmer!

    Good luck, keep posting here the more experienced support is invaluable and got me through the first difficult months.
  8. Sophiathesnowfairy

    Sophiathesnowfairy Registered Users

    Apr 7, 2016
    Northern Ireland
    Just to clarify the 3 year old is a human being :D
    Cherry, selina27, MF and 1 other person like this.
  9. Edp

    Edp Registered Users

    Mar 16, 2014
    Hi, it's a bit of a juggle I guess depending on house space, size etc...we have a gate on the kitchen/dining room...then the dogs have a big room in the middle then onto living room at the end...with a gate on. Whilst she was little I didn't let her in the living room...too many kids toys to chomp and the kids needed to homework etc..Meg used to hang out with me in the kitchen...dining room ...she spent lots of time with the boys outside. She didn't really bite much out there and she just pottered around with them whilst they played out there. Inside she just slept or chewed something...empty cardboard boxes, milk bottles...kongs...and our elderly dog. I didnt really let the kids and pup play together inside whilst in the biting phase...just a recipe for disaster. When she passed through that which didn't take long they gradually spent more time together and I let her into the other rooms of the house. Now she is 2 and the are 8 and they are inseparable ...good takes some juggling but it's worth it in the end..and currently for you having a dog at risk of nipping your 2 year old it needs sorting before your child becomes fearful or hurt. You will get there in the end Emma and Meg.
    Sarah B and Dexter like this.
  10. Dexter

    Dexter Moderator Forum Supporter

    Apr 10, 2013
    Hi there,

    My nephew and niece were 18 months and 2.5 yrs old ,when Dexter joined us we managed and they visit me most days.We managed it in a similar way to Emma's description ,we had baby gates and crates in effect for separation when everyone needed a bit of space from each other without being closed off from each other.It's so important for the children to not get overpowered and scared by a puppymjust being a puppy. We are from the UK but live in the UAE and have A LOT of visitors ,I was determined to have a dog that could be with us ....I didn't want life to be about separating him off so a lot of supervision and training is needed too and it's quite tough at the time.But by being consistent I did finally get a dog that could lie in the middle of a lego explosion and not pick up and chew one bit...I never thought I would achieve that's like so many things ,makes you a bit crazy when they are puppies but persevere and it clicks x
    Edp likes this.
  11. Snowshoe

    Snowshoe Registered Users

    Sep 5, 2015
    Ontario, Canada
    Is he teething? They can get a little off kilter then, distracted, forget things they used to know.

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