No 4 has already been established - The right to lie in front of a real fire/stove What are the others? Here's my first offering 1. The right to wallow in muddy puddles
Well Molly would certainly declare. 2. The right to eat any pongy blob of foulness found on a walk 3. The right to roll in any pongy blob of foulness that's not quite stenchy enough to eat.
5. The right to "rouse" your human at his/her's first twitch of the morning just because it is approaching breakfast time.
I know this is over 4, but is quite true! 6. The right to squash you on the sofa 7. The right to hog the bed at night
8. The right (in fact, the duty) to thoroughly inspect any shopping bag, suitcase or human that crosses the threshold to check for bombs, threats or food.
Aggh! Double post - I went back to edit the number...then I actually READ you post Rosie. Our dogs are of the same mould
@edzbird I think this simply demonstrates just how fundamental this right is. Good confirmation there I think.
14. The right to share secrets with a Lambie. Or, if no Lambies are to be found, a lobster or camel surrogate will do.
When at training classes, the right to act is if you have never heard the cue being directed at you, ideally whilst running around trying to distract every other (currently well-behaved) dog The right to poop at the most inconvenient time and place possible (when it is absolutely p***ing down with rain, when you have already passed the only poo bin for miles, at the end of somebody's drive just as they want to drive out of it, on a cricket pitch - while a game is in progress - as a young child screams, at the top of her voice so that every player and spectator turns to look, "Uuuugggghhh, that dog is pooing on the pitch!!!") The right to separate every stuffed toy from it's stuffing, especially if it contains squeakers The right to eat before the humans eat (none of that eat last, anti-domination nonsense here!) The right to a periodic "Wall of death" episode The right to make even the saddest or grumpiest person smile as you walk by, tail wagging, full of the joys of your simple life
The right to elicit unbearable pangs of guilt from their human whilst staring you down as you consume or consider consuming anything at all........
The right to assume that everytime the door bell goes it's something or someone for him. And the right to be the first to get his nose round the crack on the door to see who it is!
The right to take over at least half the sofa so that the humans have to squash closer together on the remaining half. The right to at least three if not more meals a day. Including the right to a second meal from human number 1 if the first dinner was prepared by human number 2. The right to jump on the bed and toll over with muddy paws. The right to claim poses stood of every tennis ball left on the common by lesser responsible dogs.