Inspired by "Labradors' fundamental rights", I thought we might also define the Labrador's creed - that is, their fundamental beliefs about the world. Pongo certainly has some. For example: I BELIEVE that every human being is a good person and a potential source of joy to me. I BELIEVE that every meal might be my last, and I should treat it as such. Just in case. I BELIEVE that no human is capable of undertaking a gardening task without my aid. What else?
Rory believes that no party starts until he gets there. He is the party. I'm sure most labs believe this strongly. It's all about the Labrador
Stryker believes that everything within reach belongs to him. Stryker believes that it is not bed time until he decides. Stryker believes that stuffing from his toys is cotton candy.
Homer believ s this too. Every tennis ball is his and every man, sorry not ladies, should that ball with him.
Mabel BELIEVES every shopping bag contains goodies for her. Mabel BELIEVES all toys are to be destroyed and possibly eaten. Mabel BELIEVES that everyone that knocks the door is coming to visit her, and only her.
Coco believes that the oil delivery man is evil and must be repelled. Coco believes that the post lady is evil and must be repelled. Coco believes that the Avon man is evil and must be repelled. Coco believes that the milk man is evil and must be repelled. Coco believes that the man next door with his evil van is evil and must be repelled. Coco believes that is is the Repellent of Evil.
Stanley BELIEVES that all food should be shared with him. Stanley BELIEVES that any living creature wants to play with him and be his friend. Stanley BELIEVES that I am simply here to do whatever he requires of me and I have no other purpose.
Milo certainly agrees that "it is all about the labrador". Labs, on the whole seem, to want to be friends with the whole world and can't understand that some people don't want to meet them.
Axel believes that you cannot open the fridge and not give him a carrot Axel believes that every car ride leads to doggy day care (his favourite place)
Quinn believes that all balls are for her to chase. Quinn believes a polite sit will grant her anything she wants (and is outraged when that isn't the case).
Molly BELIEVES that all house floors are for widdling on. Molly BELIEVES all cats are for chasing and when caught up with, their bottoms are for glorious washing.
Harley BELIEVES that every human bed belongs to her Harley BELIEVES that everyone that vists us is actually coming to see her Harley BELIEVES that all the sofas are hers Harley BELIEVES I am her personal skivvy
Stryker believes that I am his personal chair. If I sit, he must climb all over me. Stryker believes that if he runs fast enough he can catch the air planes as they fly over. Stryker believes that when we leave him home alone, he has full range to do what-ever he wants.. Wait he does that even when I am home.