Feeling a bit overwhelmed.....

Discussion in 'Labrador Puppies' started by weazelbum, Sep 3, 2013.

  1. weazelbum

    weazelbum Registered Users

    Aug 13, 2013
    We have a 12 week old pup named Cosmo. The past few days, he's just been a right lunatic........biting everybody like crazy, bombing round the whole of the downstairs and up on the sofa (we don't let him on there). He's managed to scrape up and tug out a big loop of carpet so there's now a threadbare patch, he's put a hole in my dressing gown where he refuses to let go, I always have to open up his jaws by hand to release whatever he's got hold of :-/. I'm making him sound awful, he's not always like that but when he is, it makes me despair. We do all the 'stand up, fold the arms, walk away and ignore' thing when he's too bitey, and we have to put him in the downstairs bathroom for a few minutes to calm down when he's too excited. He's also had a touch of the runs, we went into town for dinner for just under two hours and came back to a crate and dog covered in poo :(. Please tell me it gets easier???!!!!
  2. weazelbum

    weazelbum Registered Users

    Aug 13, 2013
    Re: Feeling a bit overwhelmed.....

    Sorry chaps, should have read the thread above entitled 'puppy problems' :p, just helps to have a rant I think!
  3. drjs@5

    drjs@5 Registered Users

    Jun 2, 2012
    Fife, Scotland
    Re: Feeling a bit overwhelmed.....

    Sorry you are having such a stressful time.
    It does get better.
    I guess you have found some links to help if you looked at the puppy problem bit. My feeling is that keeping things as calm as possible is a good move, if there are kids around, try to avoid things getting too "hyper". Being firm and consistent and trying ( ::) ) not to get angry.
    There are lots of members here who have had a pup more recently than me that will be able to help, advise, and commiserate with you!
    Just remember, things will get better!!! ;)
  4. JulieT

    JulieT Registered Users

    Jun 15, 2013
    Re: Feeling a bit overwhelmed.....

    Hello! Much sympathy - sounds like you've got a lively one there!

    Yes, it gets easier, and they stop being snappy annoying crocodiles and you get more cuddles.

    Mine is just lovely right now at six months - but I understand I can expect him to turn into a stroppy teenager, over interested in girls and disobeying his parents, at any moment.
  5. weazelbum

    weazelbum Registered Users

    Aug 13, 2013
    Re: Feeling a bit overwhelmed.....

    Yes, my other half is 'the playmate', I don't think he helps tbh, pup is much calmer with me as I stop the game when he gets too hyper whereas he thinks he's helping him 'let off steam'. Hey ho! Onwards and upwards!
  6. weazelbum

    weazelbum Registered Users

    Aug 13, 2013
    Re: Feeling a bit overwhelmed.....

    Lol JulieT, yes, he's certainly a livewire, a stubborn little goat more like :D! Can't wait to be able to cuddle him without risking my nose being bitten off :eek:
  7. pippa@labforumHQ

    pippa@labforumHQ Administrator

    May 10, 2011
    Re: Feeling a bit overwhelmed.....

    Hi there, this tends to be a lot worse in families where one or more family members get involved in physical rough and tumble play with the puppy.

    It's usually kids that are the culprits, but 'husbands' have been known to be guilty too ;D ;D Here is an article that might help a bit

  8. Oberon

    Oberon Supporting Member Forum Supporter

    Mar 6, 2013
    Canberra, Australia
    Re: Feeling a bit overwhelmed.....

    It's been a long time since I had a pup too..... But I do remember the shredded loo rolls decorating the hallway, whole cakes of soap eaten in one gulp, washing pulled off the line, plants uprooted, books chewed, yard escapes.... It all does get much, much, much better in the end though :)
  9. drjs@5

    drjs@5 Registered Users

    Jun 2, 2012
    Fife, Scotland
    Re: Feeling a bit overwhelmed.....

    ......garden remodelling......
  10. Fwhitt246

    Fwhitt246 Registered Users

    Jul 13, 2013
    Re: Feeling a bit overwhelmed.....

    Murphy (15 weeks) has started to calm down a lot at home. His biting was horrendous and my oh and I were constantly arguing over it but then we started a technique where, as soon as there was any teeth on skin we would isolate Murphy either by walking out of the room and shutting the door or putting him immediately in a different room and shutting the door. Just for like 5 seconds and then as long as there was not howling, barking or scratching opening the door and then ignoring him until he was minding his own business. To start with it was rather tiring as we were constantly up and down but now he hasn't bitten for at least 2 days. We've also got a 3 strikes and your out rule with anything else like jumping on the sofa etc where he will then be isolated for 5 secs. He's now learnt really quickly that he's only allowed on the sofa when we invite him on, not that he can get on whenever he wants.

    Hope this helps!
  11. weazelbum

    weazelbum Registered Users

    Aug 13, 2013
    Re: Feeling a bit overwhelmed.....

    Thank you everyone, just having an off day i think! Helpful advice and reassuring words are gratefully received :)
  12. Maggie68

    Maggie68 Registered Users

    Jun 4, 2013
    Re: Feeling a bit overwhelmed.....

    Yes it certainly gets better, I was just like you about a month ago. Otis is now four months three weeks, and is far calmer, and much better all round. It can get pretty stressful when they are constantly biting, and chewing the place to bits, Otis ruined a favourite cardigan of mine, and I have holes in my leggings. I think you are doing all the right things though. Maggie and Otis X
  13. Karen

    Karen Registered Users

    May 24, 2012
    Re: Feeling a bit overwhelmed.....

    Hang on in there, it really will get better! :)
  14. Dexter

    Dexter Moderator Forum Supporter

    Apr 10, 2013
    Re: Feeling a bit overwhelmed.....

    Stone hunting and crunching!

    I didn't have the early days but everything you mention sounds normal and even getting a bit down about it is normal too,you love him but you are human!
    This time will pass......x

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