Whenever people ask me Dog related questions I link to articles on the main site as they are the best on the Internet. I send a link at least twice a day. The black banner at the top is annoying me as the white links to the sections on the site never come straight up and often take an age to load, well after the page has loaded. Can it be fixed? ...
There is an issue with the banner - in Chrome (certainly on a Mac, not checked in Windows), the links appear then immediately disappear. You have to scroll down the page and then back up for them to appear again. It's been mentioned before, but I don't know if it's gone under the radar. (@editor, FYI it's because the div with class "td-header-menu-wrap td-header-gradient" is marked visibility:hidden in the inline CSS. I've not looked, but I assume this is being set in a script somewhere).