Stress causing constipation?

Discussion in 'Labrador Puppies' started by Aimee Lawrence, Nov 13, 2016.

  1. Aimee Lawrence

    Aimee Lawrence Registered Users

    Oct 24, 2016
    Hi all,

    We brought thor home yesterday, he's such a bundle of loveliness! We crated him last night and his whining wasn't too bad, but when we came down at half 3 he had pooed in his crate. We took him outside to see if he wanted to wee but he wouldn't go. Then crated him again and he was fine for the rest of the night until we got up at half 7. He has been weeing in the kitchen and won't in the garden but that will come with time. But... He hasn't pooed since the accident in his crate. Is this just stress caused by the move or is it something to be concerned about? He has been sleeping quite a bit today but seems fine when he is awake. Eating fine and drinking and weeing OK.
  2. Beanwood

    Beanwood Registered Users

    Jan 28, 2014
    I am sure he is just settling in, lots to get used too. If he is bright, eating and drinking I wouldn't worry. It is worth noting, if anything changes, particularly if pup gets lethargic or has very loose stools, get him checked at the vet immediately. I expect he is due his first visit to the vet soon anyway? Good luck with your new pup.
  3. Aimee Lawrence

    Aimee Lawrence Registered Users

    Oct 24, 2016
    He has had his first vacs, due his second lot 2nd December. Would you recommend taking him for a check before then? He is alert when awake, just sleeping a fair bit and not pooing. We have taken him out to pets at home and had a few people round to visit so it may just be that he is tired from all the goings on. Tomorrow will be more relaxed for him thankfully. I think I'm just overly cautious with him.
  4. Snowshoe

    Snowshoe Registered Users

    Sep 5, 2015
    Ontario, Canada
    He probably is exhausted and a bit stressed. It's a good idea to let him settle in with just you for a few days before taking him out or having a lot of people over. Did you keep him on the same food the breeder was using? Keeping it the same is at least one thing you can keep constant for him at a time everything else in his world has changed.
  5. Aimee Lawrence

    Aimee Lawrence Registered Users

    Oct 24, 2016
    We've kept him on the same food, have got the food we will be feeding in the cupboard but will start mixing it over the next week or so, will put this off until he is pooing properly.

    Unfortunate that we've just moved back into the house this week (flooded 5 months ago) so people are wanting to come and see the house and thor. This week will be quiet though, no visitors now until Saturday.

    He's still sleeping now, is it an idea to leave him be and just check him sooner than we did last night. Or should I wake him to see if he will go to the toilet?

    Thanks for the replies, putting my mind at ease.
  6. Samantha Jones

    Samantha Jones Registered Users

    Apr 19, 2016
    I would let sleeping dogs be...but be prepared to whip him outside as soon as he's awake - pick him up and carry him will encourage him not to wee immediately.
  7. Jes72

    Jes72 Registered Users

    Jul 5, 2014
    Oh, my he is gorgeous and looks just like H when he was that small. When H was a small pup we took I'm out at bed time, 10:00, then I got up twice in the night midnight and about 3am to take him outside then hubby got up at 6 am for poop, breakfast and playtime. Did thus for first week or so then only up once then would lie half awake listening and waiting.

    I don't go in strange toilets until absolutely necessary.
    Aimee Lawrence likes this.

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