I've given up. I've called in the big guns. My dads coming for him. While I'm being sick he's chewed my skirting boards
Oops... Please ignore the accidental post above Went for our second walk this arvo. Looks like a nice normal track. Saw two snakes within five minutes, so cut the walk very short and went home. I made poor Ella walk to heel all the way back to the car too as I didn't want her leaving my side.
Ooh Emily, that's scary! Such a shame that you can't walk offlead in more places. Are dogs allowed on your beach?
I feel your pain. I've not felt this rough in years. I got up and moved to the sofa, where I continued to snooze until 1pm! That is not like me, I don't think I've done it before in my life except when I've been ill. My dogs are amazing. Shadow cuddled up to J on one sofa and Willow cuddled up to me on the other, and we dozed the morning away together. No fussing for a walk at all! I'm blessed and they're gorgeous so I'm going to try to move and take them on a long walk in the snow. In a minute.
Betsy staring because her lunch kong is late...'get on with it, second slave....' IMG_2938 by julieandcharlie julieandcharlie, on Flickr
I'm so jealous. That's what I dreamed of when we got a dog maybe when he's a bit older. I felt really guilty that I'd neglected him. I could see how bored & frustrated he was. So I told my dad to take him to Doggy day care for the afternoon. It's his favourite place so I know he'll have a good time. Then I'll spoil him rotten tomorrow. Note to self - don't have a night out with the girls when OH is on a 12 hour shift the next day
I feel your pain on the off-leash areas (or lack of them, Emily. It's like that here too. You just can't go wandering around in someone's field. In town you have to be on lead, except in the dog park. And although there are some wilderness areas around, it's a bit tricky. I'm always a bit leery when I'm by myself due to possible wildlife encounters. So...not exactly easy to go romping around the countryside with my dog.
Heh, just got back from a 2-hour stroll with the pooches. Their sister, Annie, came along too, so they had a blast. It was snowing and beautiful - just what I needed. That and a homemade biscotti has cleared the worst of it. I'm supposed to be going out tonight for a friend's birthday. I think I'll be staying off the pop - ugh!
She has grown! Still looks like a Titch next to Charlie though, but she has definitely grown a bit! Not quite as much as she looks in the photo though.
I really feel for you, it's completely unnecessary to have so many dogs on lead areas. I can honestly say I've been shocked at how dog unfriendly the Northern Beaches in Sydney can be. I had spent a lot of the time walking around Narrabeen Lagoon happily pushing my granddaughter in the pram thinking how lovely it would have been to have Mabel pottering about off lead and horror of horrors dogs must be on lead. I cannot see why in certain areas dogs need to be on lead, there is no reasonable explanation. We then went to the market and there was a sign saying no dogs and then a place to "park" your dogs. No shade and it was already 30 degrees at 9.30 in the morning. . Now I'm back in the UK it has really made me appreciate the fact that I have many places she can be off lead.