Kibble - what's in it?

Discussion in 'Labrador Puppies' started by JulieT, Sep 10, 2013.

  1. drjs@5

    drjs@5 Registered Users

    Jun 2, 2012
    Fife, Scotland
    Re: Kibble - what's in it?

    I always wonder what is in hotdogs........ :-\
  2. JulieT

    JulieT Registered Users

    Jun 15, 2013
    Re: Kibble - what's in it?

    Steady yourself...

    In vast metal vats, tons of pork trimmings are mixed with the pink slurry formed when chicken carcasses are squeezed through metal grates and blasted with water. The mush is mixed with powdered preservatives, flavourings, red colouring and drenched in water before being squeezed into plastic tubes to be cooked and packaged.

    So says the Daily Mail - so must be true... ;D
  3. drjs@5

    drjs@5 Registered Users

    Jun 2, 2012
    Fife, Scotland
    Re: Kibble - what's in it?


    (do you know the word "boak"? correctly describes my reaction at the picture) :p

    I knew there was a reason I didn't like them.
    I think Lilly's 80% meat 20% fruit/veg kibble sounds decidedly scrumptious in comparison
  4. Lisa

    Lisa Registered Users

    Jun 6, 2013
    Alberta, Canada
    Re: Kibble - what's in it?

    Eeewww.... Things I prefer NOT to know... :eek:

    Oh well....I hardly ever have a hot dog nowadays...but if I do, I love them roasted over a campfire!! So there!! :D
  5. Charlie_2013

    Charlie_2013 Registered Users

    Jul 18, 2013
    Re: Kibble - what's in it?

    What a great thread ;) Charlie has been on Beta puppy which he has loved but now i noticed he is getting a little fed up with it. I suppose it's no different to us...we'd get fed up with the
    same meal everyday. I have now started adding fresh chicken & also Kidneys. Just boiled them up cut into fingernail size pieces & now he can't wait for his food ;D I'm off to the butchers today for more!!!

    Like most though i remember the days where it was a tin of chum with winalot with a couple of Bonios as treat & in all the years our dogs grew to a ripe old age & never had any dietary or teeth it does make me wonder & like most people when i knew i was getting Charlie the vast array of food available is mind blowing!!!

    I'm lucky enough to have a great local butcher who is also a dog owner, so i will get plenty of off cuts & scraps at a good price not forgetting the rabbits if my mate can shoot in a straight line!!! ;) I think I'll become a dog.....Charlie will end up getting better food that me ;) ;) ;)

    I still can't get my head around tooth brushing ::) but hey if it works then i'll give it a go...can't see Charlie liking it but it'll make my breath smell better!!!!!!! :p :p :p :p :p
  6. JulieT

    JulieT Registered Users

    Jun 15, 2013
    Re: Kibble - what's in it?

    [quote author=Charlie_2013 link=topic=2508.msg25301#msg25301 date=1378965942]

    Charlie has been on Beta puppy which he has loved but now i noticed he is getting a little fed up with it. I suppose it's no different to us...we'd get fed up with the
    same meal everyday. I have now started adding fresh chicken & also Kidneys. Just boiled them up cut into fingernail size pieces & now he can't wait for his food

    We did the same - probably at exactly the same stage as you - just after Charlie started getting chicken for training, he decided kibble was a bit boring. We started stirring sardines into the kibble. Then it got a bit difficult because Charlie started putting on a bit too much weight. I started saving the sardines for training (messy to carry but a very special treat if he didn't get them routinely). In terms of the kibble with no added extras, Charlie soon started eating it if nothing else was available, and diving on it like he was starving. He gets all the lovely extras for recall and sit whistle now.
  7. charlie

    charlie Registered Users

    Sep 29, 2012
    Hampshire, UK
    Re: Kibble - what's in it?

    Morning, I'm of the same opinion as Dave, dogs have eaten far worse than they do now and had a great healthy lives. I think it was Lisa that pointed out that there are people starving all round the world so to over think what our dogs are fed is pretty pointless and at the end of the day I still feel I am probably not getting it quite right but Hattie & Charlie are as fit as butcher's dogs so I'm happy :). As for teeth brushing no way am I brushing a dogs teeth, it's hard enough getting my teenage sons to ::). My vet told me it was a complete waste of time and that bones etc. will do a far better job :) Helen x
  8. JulieT

    JulieT Registered Users

    Jun 15, 2013
    Re: Kibble - what's in it?

    [quote author=charlie link=topic=2508.msg25311#msg25311 date=1378969940]
    I think it was Lisa that pointed out that there are people starving all round the world so to over think what our dogs are fed is pretty pointless.

    I really agree with the underlying sentiment, that most of our dogs have better nutrition, and medical care than a lot of people, and this is something to regret - I really do get that point and it's one that is very well made in such a discussion as this.

    But there are other good reasons why we should question what we are buying - one of the ways we can, as consumers, make the world a better place is to decide what we spend our money on, and with what companies. So, over the course of Charlie's life, I will spend thousands on kibble (unless I decide on an alternative). If I find out Charlie is as well off on a brand that, say, insists on some animal welfare standards from its suppliers (or even is not paying poverty rates to third world farmers) then I can decide to spend my money in a different way. I really believe in consumer power and while my choices of Charlie's food may not impact world poverty, people's consumer choices do have a massive economic impact and a big influence on the behaviour of large companies.

    Sorry, my turn to get off my soapbox! :)
  9. charlie

    charlie Registered Users

    Sep 29, 2012
    Hampshire, UK
    Re: Kibble - what's in it?

    Julie I totally agree with you, but I wonder what consumer rights we actually have in reality, look at the recent horse meat scandal, BSE but to name a few and heaven knows what else is in the food we eat ourselves when we believe we are buying what it says on the packet. I'm not sure consumers have a big impact on manufacturers as they keep on misleading us in one way or another. Sorry maybe I am just too long in the tooth to believe their promises. Unless you go self sufficient and organic you can't believe you are getting what you pay for. Sorry I am now off my soap box :)
  10. Lisa

    Lisa Registered Users

    Jun 6, 2013
    Alberta, Canada
    Re: Kibble - what's in it?

    Yes, I agree with what you are saying here, Julie!! We do have to do our part on being responsible consumers....I don't know about the rest of you but I, for one, can get all tied up about what clothes to buy - visions of Third World sweatshops dancing in my head....

    I guess my bottom line is that I will buy the best food for my dog that I can afford, which includes looking at not spending so much on my dog that I don't have any money left to give to charities and organizations which help needy PEOPLE around the world and close to home. I 'm sure I'm not alone in that!!

    Sometimes it does feel a bit exhausting, though, trying to get to the bottom of all this....and I understand Helen's cynicism about it, too. Bottom line is that these companies are out to get our money, and so, as always, buyer beware!!

    Anyhow it's an interesting discussion.... :)
  11. JulieT

    JulieT Registered Users

    Jun 15, 2013
    Re: Kibble - what's in it?

    [quote author=Lisa link=topic=2508.msg25362#msg25362 date=1378995556]
    Bottom line is that these companies are out to get our money, and so, as always, buyer beware!!


    Yes, that's absolutely right, I agree (with the rest of what you and Helen both say too). I'm just one of those purple ink letter writers, watchdog watching, consumers though! Keeps me amused...
  12. bbrown

    bbrown Moderator Forum Supporter

    Jun 13, 2011
    Re: Kibble - what's in it?

    Not believing the packaging is a big factor in cooking family meals from scratch, sadly I can't quite muster up the energy to do the same for Riley so kibble it is.....I think one day I will brave a raw diet for my dog :)
  13. drjs@5

    drjs@5 Registered Users

    Jun 2, 2012
    Fife, Scotland
    Re: Kibble - what's in it?

    I think there is an interesting parallel here with the recent report on baby food quality.
    Have to admit first time round I was definitely relying on commercial baby foods - new mum what the heck do I give and how much syndrome.
    A lot more relaxed with homeade stuff second time :)
    Not generally a high user of "convenience foods" for the family although this isn't because I have all the time in the world for home cooking ::) just the way its evolved.

    Now how did I get here from kibble ??
  14. charlie

    charlie Registered Users

    Sep 29, 2012
    Hampshire, UK
    Re: Kibble - what's in it?

    Sorry Jac that was my fault talking about horse meat etc. I agree we don't buy convenience food either as that's not how we were brought up and it is mostly rubbish, I cook everything from scratch.

    I am totally with you Barbara with a large family to cook for dog food takes a back seat, however we do buy a very good quality kibble so I don't feel bad, I also add Cod Liver Oil every day too, Hattie & Charlie look better than I do
    ;D ;D Helen x

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