
Discussion in 'Labrador Puppies' started by JulieT, Dec 5, 2016.

  1. jessieboo

    jessieboo Registered Users

    Feb 12, 2016
    Oh god, I do feel your pain!! I hate going to the vets. Our vet has a policy of 'no fear' vets visits. So they actively encourage you to take them in for no reason for a fuss and a treat, which I dutifully did. Added to this they hold puppy parties, which I naively took monster Mrs Sociable to... Guess who was life a soul of the party???????

    Anyway, all this has made the vets her bestest place EVER. If we go in, she looks like we have never done a second of training with her, she just bounces off the walls like a maniac! I have purchased a head collar especially to start doing some training around sensibly walking past the door of the vets, because we can't even do that without her leaping around like a nutter and it is right on a busy main road!
  2. Bridget3789

    Bridget3789 Registered Users

    Apr 18, 2016
    Chicago, IL USA
    Hahaha this is hilarious- I have a nutter on my hands too but he is the happiest cutest little nutter ever - his tail wags from the time he wakes up till the time he goes to sleep too and he has the biggest "smile" on his face pretty much at all times, so just like you I take credit for that too even if it means taking credit for him being a nutter as well :) Duncan is definitely a bold puppy and I had to stop sweating it because it was driving me mad and as soon as I stopped sweating it and just kept "slogging away" at the training and reminding myself it will get better and he is just a puppy, it made things a LOT better and I have a little laugh usually when he is going nuts and being embarrassing and then correct him and get him to calm down

    A few weeks ago when he was being REALLY bad my neighbor stopped me to chat and she doesn't have any animals and always seems very hesitant around Duncan and he was jumping up on me like mad all of a sudden not wanting to stop his walk going crazy and grabbed my headphones and tore the bottom off of them... she stood there in shock -- definitely pretty embarrassing, but just like you said you just have to stop sweating it and wait for them to quit it and calm down
  3. Bridget3789

    Bridget3789 Registered Users

    Apr 18, 2016
    Chicago, IL USA
    A couple pictures of my very crazy but extremely happy smiley and friendly nutter
    I always tell my husband hey even though he is extremely bold and we are going through teenager months, at least he is the happiest friendliest puppy!



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