I'm getting worried. I've been looking over Mum's shoulder and seeing pictures of sparkly trees and what look like presents too. There's nothing like that in our house yet. Do you think I might have been so naughty that Father Christmas won't come? I'll be in BIG trouble with Wispa if he doesn't... Tuppence
Charlie, just sit in your lovely comfy chair in London and refuse to move without it. Good luck! Wispa
Charlie, try destroying one of the armchairs at the beach (if you're worried about getting in trouble just make sure it looks like shortie did it). Surely your hoomans would have to bring a comfy chair to replace it?
Oh mums mad at me again. She had done her tan last night???? Who knows? She looked very orange and smelt like coconut though. And I gave her a big lick on her face because she smelt so yummy! But I left a big white patch. She wasn't very happy I don't think. I won't bother doing it again though. It didn't taste like coconut Stanley
I want the numba for LabLine! I have a sewious complaint. Mum packed the Magic Bag - the one with tweets and toys. And she put a football in it! A weal football! Not the biggest football she has, but neawly the biggest. Then I got left in my pen! All alone! And all I got was a 'store cupboard kong' with wice and baked beans. Bah. It had a fish chew at the end, so it wasn't so bad. But still. Now Charlie is back and he is all smug. And wet. Boo! Betsy
Mum says I'll always be number one. And she has promised me a special outing every day of the holidays. Every day, she says. And not just a good walk for one of my normal walks. An extra special outing. Every day. Number one, that's me. She might take you out a couple of times - if you are lucky. I think you should get out once a week at least. Charlie
I threw up some nasty bile last night because I was greedy and ate my dinnner too fast, it stunk. Then i layed down and rolled in it so I also smelt like the sick. I fancy the girls in the groomers and i havent been for agesssssss - I knew mum couldnt stand the smell and she has booked me in......... RESULT!!!!!!
I had to go see my vet friend Jordi again because I ate my stitches yesterday. They weren't very yummy, though. He didn't put new stitches in, which I'm happy about. I did get a bit worried, though, and accidentally threw up my breakfast all over the floor. I wasn't allowed to eat it again, which I thought was a bit mean! Still, I got a special treat of a frozen raw chicken kong when I got home which was brilliant. Mum says it's because I was a very, very good girl walking around the city, which is very exciting and a bit scary for me. Shadow got one, too, and I'm not sure what he did to deserve it! He's just been sleeping all morning! Willow
Mom says I get to go see all my friends at daycare today because she has Christmas shopping to do. She must be buying me a lot of presents if the presents can't fit with me in the back seat. Can't wait to see all the kibble and treats and toys I get. Maybe she will get my big brother something too! Not that he even plays with toys, he's weird. But that means more toys for me!!! Axel
No no no I had to have a butt probe! I've lost some more weight so I'm even more slinky. ging was sad but she says she and the vet have a plan. Moo said they are going to cut my favorite boys off I hope she's kidding. Phew it's only new food and some anti biotics I get to keep the boys
Mum keeps going out without me ( ) to do something called X-er-cise. I don't understand why as I know I can help her with X-er-cise, so yesterday on our walk I ran for my ball then ran away from Mum so she could chase after me and do some running. Dad always runs after me so I was a bit surprised when Mum didn't. Not only that but when I looked at her she walked off in the opposite direction! Then I had to go chasing after her! There's no helping my Mum sometimes . Ripple
I would sleep with mum and dad, but you should definitely go into his room and check him out a few times in the night. I like to poke my nose at new people and see if they are really sleeping. Also, climb in his bed in the morning to wake him up. Never know, he might have treats! Quinn