Eek! @SwampDonkey - I'm just catching up on the boards - what a walk! But you stopped Rory chowing down the food, what a triumph!
My goodness, @SwampDonkey what an adventure! Glad you are ok, did Rory's tum survive the unexpected treat?
It weird but on of the strange thing about colitis is novel food stuffs don't seem to upset his tummy. He's still on his treatment for his last up set so it will be ok. Just trying him on some very low fat food to see if that helps. We were all a but wet
Just raided the Advent calendar for chocolate, OH thinks I must have been a labrador in a previous life! I swear Casper grinned....
Luna snoozing soundly. Took my opportunity and went to the loo. Came back to a massive wee in the pen. Standard.
Does anyone else make noises when playing tug with their dog in public? I give excited squeaks and Muttley (Dick Darstardly) style 'yeah, yeah, yeah', with the odd cowboy 'who-hoo'. Today a man with a prim little dog loomed out of the mist as we were playing and gave me a very strange look, before veering off in the other direction...
I don't like the holidays on my usual dog walking park. Dogs who never go onto the park or allowed of lead are loose running round and causing trouble. A dog tried to bite Rory so he jumped the brook and got behind me he knows the drill No owner in sight then it tried to get a young lab puppy on a lead still no owner we never did see one just a roaming mean dog. I just came home it's not worth putting my dogs in danger. it's going to break early morning walks for the next few weeks. We call it Sunday dog syndrome
Proud mom moment - I dropped off Axel at day care this morning. He has gone each day this week so far, I've had to work double my regular hours for holiday relief. He isn't complaining anyways... the lady always gives me an update. She says that they put him in with the little puppies a lot now because he's so gentle and careful around them. They said he is the only 1 year old that they allow in with them as the others are too bonkers. He tip toes around them and lies down and let's them play all over him while he gently plays. I'm sure Odie is to thank for that. He's so gentle with Odie. Melted my heart a bit, especially considering he's a crazy teenager right now in my eyes. Clearly it's time for OH to allow me to get another puppy
Couple glasses of red wine...Casper snoring and twitching gently, his big head in my lap...seriously I think my heart is going to burst looking at him...
All of these new puppies on this forum are killing me. I'm so puppy broody. I DON'T need another puppy. But I dooooooooo
So, we have a farm gate, which opens onto the wildlife area, then onto about 5 acres, then a wood, just beyond the would is the toxic mountain. So called because some static travellers leave all sorts there, mostly food remains, and God only knows... Casper loves it! This morning, let the dogs out for a wee...a bit late due to the red wine last night. Casper flies up to the gate at 100mph....goes UNDER it, and disappears towards the toxic mountain...someone please tell him his has AS (ankylosing spondylitis) and HD please!!!