Scary few days for C and B's pals...

Discussion in 'Labrador Chat' started by debsie, Sep 12, 2013.

  1. debsie

    debsie Registered Users

    Oct 23, 2012
    phew. seen/heard about some scary events in the park I take the pups to yesterday and today. Last night C and B were chasing their balls and having a hooly with each other when suddenly one of their dog pals Louie, a lovely small, timid collie, appeared at full speed looking really scared with a huge black Greyhound in hot pursuit. One of the pair of Greyhounds that Cuillin is petrified of, and usually barks at, then legs it in the opposite direction fast. The greyhound was ignoring his owners calls and had gone into full Prey Chase mode (you know That Look), and both of them disappeared out of the park, into the side streets. I met Louie's owner about ten minutes later with Louie, and he said poor Louie had run home he was so scared, luckily he lives really near the park and someone had seen him, and he had kept to the pavements...then this morning we met another of their dog pals, a lab, who had been attacked in the park by another dog two deays earlier, she had a large puncture wound on her back, and was running stiffly. she had also got such a fright she had legged it, with the dog in hot pursuit. her owner had lost sight of her and eventually found her near home and she was limping badly. Took her to the vets and there was significant bruising to her rear legs, they think she was clipped by a car. Makes you want to keep yours very close to you huh....I only go to the park very early mornings and about 6.30 at night, when it is quiet, but think I will avoid it at night completely now...both of these dogs have great recall but their owners said everything went out of the window when Fear kicked in....left me wondering about the Stop Whistle too, I suspect that wouldn't work either...
  2. bbrown

    bbrown Moderator Forum Supporter

    Jun 13, 2011
    Re: Scary few days for C and B's pals...

    goodness how awful :( :( :(

    I'm glad both dogs are back home and safe. It really does make you think tho :(
  3. JulieT

    JulieT Registered Users

    Jun 15, 2013
    Re: Scary few days for C and B's pals...

    Very scary...

    I was saying to OH last night that I think I might start taking one of my hiking sticks on walks...if Charlie is scared, so far anyway, he tries to get back to me. The other day I had to put my hand very close to a snappy dog in order to protect Charlie who was cowering on my feet.
  4. lynnelogan

    lynnelogan Registered Users

    Apr 10, 2013
    Re: Scary few days for C and B's pals...

    goodness what a fright they had,....thank goodness they are both ok :)
  5. jade805

    jade805 Registered Users

    Mar 5, 2013
    Re: Scary few days for C and B's pals...

    I see so many men around here walking dogs with sticks and similar. I always thought it was to use on own dogs then hubby said it's more likely for protection for them and own dogs.
  6. charlie

    charlie Registered Users

    Sep 29, 2012
    Hampshire, UK
    Re: Scary few days for C and B's pals...

    Debsie, that is awful, you really never know what is going to happen when out on a walk. Helen x
  7. Karen

    Karen Registered Users

    May 24, 2012
    Re: Scary few days for C and B's pals...

    Oh dear that is horrible. Keep your two close to you... or better still, avoid the park where possible!
  8. bbrown

    bbrown Moderator Forum Supporter

    Jun 13, 2011
    Re: Scary few days for C and B's pals...

    [quote author=jade805 link=topic=2535.msg25349#msg25349 date=1378992576]
    I see so many men around here walking dogs with sticks and similar. I always thought it was to use on own dogs then hubby said it's more likely for protection for them and own dogs.

    My Dad had to talk his walking stick to two Wiemeraners who decided to pick on Riley once :(
  9. Alice

    Alice Registered Users

    Mar 13, 2013
    Re: Scary few days for C and B's pals...

    It sounds a horrid experience; I hope the two dogs aren't put off going for walks in future.
    It's interesting how the character of places changes through the day. I take Bess to our local park most mornings early where we meet up with a group of friendly dogs (and their owners). We seldom go to the park at other times but on the few occasions we have I've noticed the atmosphere is often completely different.
  10. JulieT

    JulieT Registered Users

    Jun 15, 2013
    Re: Scary few days for C and B's pals...

    [quote author=bbrown link=topic=2535.msg25372#msg25372 date=1378999003]
    [quote author=jade805 link=topic=2535.msg25349#msg25349 date=1378992576]
    I see so many men around here walking dogs with sticks and similar. I always thought it was to use on own dogs then hubby said it's more likely for protection for them and own dogs.

    My Dad had to talk his walking stick to two Wiemeraners who decided to pick on Riley once :(

    I had a dog snapping and bullying poor Charlie today, AGAIN, my boy was just running away and trying to loop back to me...the owner said "oo, he can get a bit rough", I managed to say "let's just separate them and be on our ways" and managed to swallow "he looks like a totally bully, with a touch of aggression, no doggy manners - probably the result of your inadequate socialisation". Honestly, I wonder how bad it might be one day? I wonder if I just get unlucky...I seem to meet so many of these dogs.
  11. Oberon

    Oberon Supporting Member Forum Supporter

    Mar 6, 2013
    Canberra, Australia
    Re: Scary few days for C and B's pals...

    Poor doggies :( Some people are in denial about their dogs' awful behaviour, unfortunately.

    Common to see blokes walking their dogs with sticks round here too.
  12. Dexter

    Dexter Moderator Forum Supporter

    Apr 10, 2013
    Re: Scary few days for C and B's pals...

    Debsie that is so awful,so glad your dogs were,sorry about the dogs that have been hurt :(

    Alice I totally agree with that too......walks are different at different times of the day.

    Julie,I hate to think of Charlie being set about,I had the same last week with a rescue dog we know.there is a picnic table in the middle of a walk I do and between 6 and 7 am at different times and for different periods various dogs and owners check in there,Dex usually has a great time playing with all his pals.There is a rescue called Boris who isn't a bad dog but his owner totally sees him through Rosé Tinted glasses....he isn't aggressive but his play is really hard and rough,he appeared last week as our walk with Gus( lovely calm ,well mannered Dalmatian) ended .....we had no choice but to walk back together....horrible,horrible,horrible.I wanted to pick Dexter up and carry him!Boris worried,chased and bothered him the whole way back.....his owner even said 'ah look at poor Dexter with is tail between his legs so Boris can't get it ' :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: I find these situations really hard .....I called Dexter back to me and he was just cornered ,looking at me as if to say I want to come but I can't get past this P in the A!!!so I put Dex on his lead .....don't thin he'd ever been so grateful and he stuck to my leg like glue all the way back to the picnic table where he had a nice play and Boris assaulted ( :mad:) someone else!
  13. Lisa

    Lisa Registered Users

    Jun 6, 2013
    Alberta, Canada
    Re: Scary few days for C and B's pals...

    Funny this came up today! Hubs and I were out for a walk last night along our usual trails, but it was later at night than we usually go. These trails ate often used by people walking their dogs off leash, but we saw no one until we turned a corner and were confronted with a woman's and her two kids and her two "dogs"....I didn't even see the second one at first as all I could see was this monsterous creature barreling towards us - some kind of mastiff cross I think?? It came charging at Simba and did the very rude and aggressive "meet and greet", my hubby dancing around at the end of the leash as Simba twisted and turned trying to say "hello" but this thing just was so pushy! Finally Simba growled at it, just as the older child (around 8?) caught up (the mom and kids had been yelling "Gus! "Gus!" in the background) and this kid, whose head was just about the level of this thing's head, looked like she was going to shove herself between Simba and her dog in order to grab her dog (which weighed probably 1 1/2x as much as her! :eek:
    Mom finally caught up with apologies, saying "We usually don't see anyone this time of day".... The second kid (around 5?) brought up the rear, being pulled along by another one of these things, but a "puppy" this time, on leash....
    Ack!! It was a fright for a moment - this dog probably weighed twice as much as Simba....I was glad to see him stick up for himself with the growls but yikes!!! :eek:
  14. JulieT

    JulieT Registered Users

    Jun 15, 2013
    Re: Scary few days for C and B's pals...

    [quote author=Dexter link=topic=2535.msg25418#msg25418 date=1379025466]
    I wanted to pick Dexter up and carry him!Boris worried,chased and bothered him the whole way back.....his owner even said 'ah look at poor Dexter with is tail between his legs so Boris can't get it ' :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: I find these situations really hard .....I called Dexter back to me and he was just cornered ,looking at me as if to say I want to come but I can't get past this P in the A!!!

    Exactly what happens to me - Exactly! Grrrr.....
  15. jade805

    jade805 Registered Users

    Mar 5, 2013
    Re: Scary few days for C and B's pals...

    One day I Amy wouldn't come to me after see saw a Jack Russel. She wasn't far from me but i didn't catch her. They knew it would have a snap at her as they told me. Its wasn't until after i thought they could have picked up the JR.
  16. Karen

    Karen Registered Users

    May 24, 2012
    Re: Scary few days for C and B's pals...

    DDS (Doggy Denial Syndrome) is well-documented in my area too.

    One of my very nice neighbours has a lovely, but a bit wild, hairy sort of Spanish sheepdog creature. Big, too. We all love him, but he runs away and pulls like crazy on the lead. Luckily he is very sweet-natured and gets on with other dogs. His owners think the world of him and cannot accept any criticism. The other day she told me that she had taken him to the local shopping centre, and was surprised that someone took exception to Tony peeing on the flowers at a flower stall... :eek: I said that I would have been unimpressed myself. Her reaction: 'Oh no, this man was a dog-hater. I mean, where else is a dog supposed to pee in a shopping center???' :eek: :eek: :eek:

    DDS. Oh yes.
  17. Oberon

    Oberon Supporting Member Forum Supporter

    Mar 6, 2013
    Canberra, Australia
    Re: Scary few days for C and B's pals...

    Haha, that's so funny. Classic, chronic DDS.

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