I've bin to the vet's! Because I've had wunny poo! I've got Dad up in the middle of the night two nights now, and told him I needed out and quick! The vet man put a stick up my bottom! I told him that was outwageous! Then he jabbed me in the neck with a sharp pointy thing! So I wipped the tinsel off the weception desk on the way out. That'll teach 'em good and pwoper! Betsy
Betsy - that happened to me!!! I stay farrrr away from Dr. Vinny when I see him now, because there is NO warning before that thing goes up the bum! Last night was soo fun - we went walking on trails by the lake and I ran into my old chocolate lab friend Winnie! We look just the same except different colours, are the same age and our names are almost the same! We ran down to the lake and Winnie got in (but I didn't because I knew mum and dad would hold back on the liver if I went too far). It was hilllaarious to hear "Winnie" and "Quinny" being shouted from all the parents! I ran back and got my liver, but that Winnie stayed in the water a bit longer! I hope I see her again soon, she's the best (and jumped up right into Dad's face, which made us all laugh!)! Quinn
I was a bit cwoss with the vet man! Poking with his sticks! And I'd bin very nice to him, put my paws on him to say hello and evewyfin, I knows my pwoper manners! He didn't even give me a tweet! Evewyone knows vet mens are supposed to give you tweets! Mum gave me loads so I suppose that's ok. I've still got his tinsel! Going wiv Mum for a walk now, so that should be good. Betsy!
I can't believe you didn't get a treat, Betsy! What's the point in going if you don't get a treat? Last time I went I pretended to lie down real nicely on the bed.. then when mum was talking I army crawled to the treats on his desk. They were delicious. Mum went a sort of red colour and apologised to the vet who laughed and laughed. At least your mum knows the score. Stanley
Oh my. What a day. There were people. And little people. And the little people squealed a LOT and I had to go round licking all of them and guarding them and following them and they just wouldn't stay still. And then there was FOOD ohmydogwhatfood there was soooooo much food and more food and turkeyandsweetpotatoesandsoooooooomuchfood. And I got bits from everyone and there were millions of people. (Mum says to tell you there were eighteen people but I think there were millions.) And then there was presents to open and more squealing and licking. And it went on ALL DAY and I haven't had a minute's rest and the last one has just gone and now I'm going to sleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee....zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Pongo
Wow! Pongo! That sounds good! Lots of food! I'm sure the vet told Mum to feed me often. She says he said little and often. But I didn't hear the little bit! Dad has bet Mum £50 that she can't get Charlie to walk from the castle to the beach, without using a lead, and without him legging it to the beach! On account of how Charlie always legs it, and Mum always gives Dad hell. TeeHee! My money is on Mum! Betsy!
Stupid puppy. I decide whether I leg it or not. I'm in charge, nothing Mum can do will change that. Charlie
Did you win Betsy? If I was Charlie I would have legged it, beaches are brilliant. Go Charlie, go!! - Coco
Who buys your treats, Charlie? If it's your mum you might not want her to lose £50. Just think how many treats that would buy! Just saying... Wispa
I wee'd on the rug. Mum was very upset and said that was her Christmas bonus she worked hard for all year. I felt really bad. I like the rug now, it's nice to sleep on. I'll try my best not to pee on it again. Stanley
I've had such a fun night! I needed to go out lots - my bottom kept exploding with wunny poo! I feel ok though! Just vewy wunny poo! I had a poo on the carpet! Then Mum slept on the sofa wiv me, and I played this game where when she went to sleep I woke her up because I needed out! And if I didn't need out, I wandered round and nicked fings off the Chwistmas tree! It was hilawious! I'm a bit snoozy now though, so have bin snoozing this morning. But my bweakfast has yet to awwive! Mum says I won, and Dad says I lost! Which is vewy confusing!
First, I should say I am sharing Dad's New Year Eve Fois Gras and the Short Dumb Blonde isn't allowed any on account of her having a Moby Dick bottom. Bwahahah! I think I need to clarify this matter. Dad says Mum said she could get me to walk at heel down the path from the headland (with the ruined castle) to the beach without using a lead, and without me legging it to the beach. Mum says she said she could stop me legging it to the beach, without using a lead. What Mum did was make the whole legging it thing disappear. She left my beach dummy by the ruins of the castle. So there was no walk down. There was nothing but we were retrieving. She then sent me back for the dummy, and when I got back, she was on the beach. So of course I gave her the dummy so she could throw it in the water for me - duh! So I think Mum lost. Dad thinks Mum lost because I wasn't at heel - well, I was mostly because we were retrieving but then I was going to fetch the dummy because we needed that on the beach of course! Both Dad and I think making the legging it game just disappear doesn't count. So there. Charlie