I haven't been on my normal walks today because mum said I can only have several short lead walks! We went to my favourite shop earlier - pets at home.......I got given lots of treats by the people who work there and I managed to lift the lid on some of the biscuits and ate some whilst mum and dad were looking at some 'healthy' treats for me . I like those biscuits but mum won't buy me any as she said they aren't good for me......they taste nice so I don't know why not! Mum said she's going to cut my nails later so I pretended to be scared when she got the clippers out, so mum went and got treats . She kept moving the clippers closer to my paws and I looked at them and got a treat.....so I kept looking at them and got even more treats, then they ran out so I barked at the clippers. Mum said we would have to do more training later (that means more treats ) We've just been for a short walk and I had lots of sniffs, but am feeling a bit sore on my legs now so am going for a snooze....zzzzzzzz
Ive got squirty eye stingers but if i sit on the sofa and let them in my eyes i get the biggest piece of crunchy fish ever. Its a tough job.........
I really really want the crispy fish chunks really want them but i don't want eye stingers. I had to give it a go though cos the piece of crispy fish was so big. I kissed the bottle today but they still had to go in. So stingy but so crispy afterwards mmmmmmmmm. I really made her laugh I know she tricked me but I don't mind I got cuddles and fishy crunchies.
Gosh, that is a real dilemma. Eye stingers vs crispy fish. I don't envy you. Well actually I DO. Crispy fish...Mmmm. When I had eye stingers all I got was kibble! Harumph! - Coco
I was warm and comfy snuggled up snoozing on the couch when mum comes up and tells me we're going for a walk. I've already been for 2 today and gave her the no way in hell am I going out in the cold. But mum said it's part of her die-it and she needs to do exercise. Don't see why I had to go just cos she's chubby Stanley
My mum took me to the vet man today. He was really nice and is gentle with me . I was really brave and didn't sit squashed in the corner. The vet man gave me lots of tummy rubs which I really liked. Mum says I need to have the X-Ray thing on Friday. She said she's allowed to stay with me so that's good. I will try and be brave. My dads been home today which has been FANTASTIC as he gave me extra treats (mum has told him off as she seen the empty wrapper!), but I really enjoyed it . He's home tomorrow as well so looking forward to more
My mum says im starting doggy daycare this week. Ive visited once for a play and i got sooooo muddy it was amazing. Im excited. But mum says i have to be nice and gentler to the other dogs, i went to meet a tiny puppy today and i was a little too excited my paws are so big and im so strong i nearly hurt the wee thing Mum says im boy-strus? And that im not nasty. Of course im not i just want to play play play its so exciting.
Oooh Rolo you will love Doggy day care. It's my favourite place in the whole wide world. When I see that's where we are I pull mum to the door so so fast then I go in and hang out with all my pals all day. have fun! Stanley
Yesterday, I went to doggy daycare for my first time...I hear rumours from my doggy pals at the park that it was so fun, so I was excited when I heard mum and dad talking about it! But, I did not like it and was sooo sooo excited when Dad came to pick me up (finally). Dad got mad because somehow I got a big cut above my eye Dad told mum I'm never allowed back and tonight I have to go see Dr. Vinny about my eye. The good news is, I got so many yummy treats and cuddles last night! Rolo and Stanley, it sounds like you have better day cares than me Quinn
Hope your eye is ok, Quinn. Lots of treats and cuddles are good, but it's not worth getting hurt, though. Wispa
I was sneaky he he. We took moo out today with us and ginger had to really look after her cos she cant hear at all or see much so I got up to no good i run about went too far away and pretended i couldn't hear too. I got put on my lead and so I licked gings nose she can't resist nose licks.we had a fun time though Moo had a really nice sniff about .she's a bit slow though
Oh no that doesn't sound fun at all. My day care is nice, we splash in paddling pools and go for walks down the river and cuddle up on the couch. No you shouldn't go back there Quinn you're far too pretty to have anything happen to your face! Stanley
[QUOTE="JenBainbridge, post: 266495, member: I had to stay on my lead because just before this I ran away and stole a fishermans sandwich. Mum was not very happy. So I jumped up at her to cheer her up and her coat got very muddy. Then she was really not very happy! Stanley[/QUOTE] Oh Stanley, I've played that game, funny that but my mummy wasn't happy either. Boring