That's crazy - Quinn would hate that weather and refuse to go out. It's good window watching weather though - does Xena look out windows?
Nothing like having your arm pulled out of its socket by a dog lunging after a bloody leaf! Roofs being lifted off houses, ferry crossings and most plane arrivals/departures cancelled, some flooding and power cuts. Classic Kiwi summer Not really. She stood safely on the back porch out of the weather as I ran down the street in my jim jams after my recycling bin flew away. Good moral support.
I walked an entire 40 minutes this morning, with the lead dangling in a "J" shape. Not once did Coco reach the full extension. Not once. We saw a man (who we've seen before) struggling with a large Springer & a Golden Retriever - they both pull towards us, as Coco does to them, so we ducked into a space at the end of a row of cottages & played "find it". The man called out "I'm past" and we stepped back out onto the road & watched them walk away, calmly. I am still pinching myself. One day soon, we will be able to walk past this man & his 2 (pulling) dogs.
My OH's cousin has a Springador - Hes lovely but so much harder than a lab, I know you say stanley is lively but jeeze this springador is a handfull and then some.
A friend of mine has a springer x cocker. It's mental. And not in a "nawww, so lively!" kind of way. They definitely bought it for the cool "sprocker" name, without considering its temperament. Not a good pet in the slightest! Hopefully, there are breeders out there breeding for the pet market, because this one needed to be a working dog
There was a Sprocker in our training class...bigger than I thought they'd be having never seen one in person before. He was quite "lively", shall we say? xD
My friend has a springador one week older than Stanley and I wouldn't say she's much more mental than him. She can just "spring" higher They're totally in love and look so cute together!
Met the giddiest bulldog ever but had to keep her ftom moo in cade she knocked her over. The person with her had not had her long. She was only a year old and have spent most of her first year crated. He'd rehomed her and she is a really delighted to be out. Talked to him for ages he'd got loads of guestions. He did such a good kind thing it was nice to met him and Lilly .
Me and OH used to be full on party animals before we got Stanley. Out every weekend and through the week. We've really curbed it since Stanley came along. But This weekend we were invited to a wedding in London. All dressed up - had a good time. BUT 10pm in bed eating chicken talking about how much we miss "little boo". How times change
For the last few days, I've been scattering Luna's meals around her pen for her to eat. Today, I popped her breakfast in the bowl. She took one look at it and tipped it over. I've created a monster.
Just saw this photo on Facebook. Two crates for two dogs and it looks like a nice piece of furniture! I think some of the more talented members on here could make something similar...
Well just had a proud penguin moment...was walking my lab when suddenly from behind us a horse came clomping down the street. I got a bit tense and worried that he might get spooked and try to bolt or something but he was just a little surprised and then recovered really well
For about 5/6 months Stanley never really settled on a night. I had to keep him on a lead, trying to tire him out doing training, playing games etc. Then rewarding him for settling. Thinking all I want is to watch some tele This past month or so it's gotten to about 7.30/8pm and he's got on his couch spot and snuggled up snoozing the evening away.. and I'm a bit bored. I just tried to wake him up to play a game and he stood up, turned around and laid back down facing away from me. Guess that's a no then
This dog is near me and needs a home. Look at the poor thing. He's called Fester. I'd love to give him a nice home but OH said no