I have 2 puppies from the same litter. They are 4 months old. At night, they are very active, running around and wrestling. How do I get them to settle down for bed? They do not sleep in a crate. They sleep either in our bed or with my daughters. They are fed 4 times a day, 1/2 cup of kibble and water, last one around 7:30ish. They go down anytime from 10:30-whenever and sometimes sleep through the night. They most always get up by 7:30. Thanks for any advice.
I would give them an area - either a crate or pen - in the family room they know is for quiet time. Puppies find it very hard to switch off when there's exciting things around. That would include each other. I also have litter mates and when they got over-tired, they would get rowdy. I had to separate and give them the opportunity to relax.