Hey all My boy is now 16 months and seems to get more hyper by the day. He doesn't sleep much during the day anymore. At most 15 minutes of naps during the day. Other than stuffed kings, bones, chews etc. Anybody have any suggestions to keep his mind busy? Thank you
Hey Im no expert as rolo is only 6 months old, but training is tiring for them mentally. Having 4/5 short sessions a day would be very stimulating
Hey Johnny! Will he settle if you ask or is he always under your feet? I'm wondering if teaching a "settle" might help? Train him to go go to a mat or bed or a marked square and stay in it for a set time, increasing it depending on how he does?
Yes he does lots of training and is capable of staying at a set place. I am referring more to when he is home alone Thanks
Have you tired one of those ball that you put food in and the dog pushes it around to get it out? Annie love hers. https://www.amazon.co.uk/Good-Treat-Ball-Puzzle-Colours/dp/B003676B5C
I think it's just something you have to train for, building up the time. My dogs are chilled at home when I'm there (which is a lot, as I work at home) because I'm boring and don't give them any attention when I am working. They learnt pretty quickly that when I have my computer out, they might as well settle down. I didn't teach a cued settle for that, because they're allowed to move around, but just ignoring any attempts to get my attention did wonders. Of course, you can't expect to go all day at first, and you have to build up the time. Just only interact once you're ready to, never when the dog is demanding it. Similarly, when you're away from home, just build up the time slowly and he'll learn to settle down. I think learning settling when you are there helps them to settle when you're not.
Hi @Johnny...here is what works for us - every morning right before I go to work, I leave Quinn with a food dispensing toy with her breakfast in it, a frozen kong in her food dish and a big rubber toy that has some treats stuffed in it...and a treasure hunt with some treats hidden in the couch, in her toy box etc that she has to sniff out. All of that takes an hour + to finish and she is dead asleep after that until the dog walker comes. I should say, we go for a walk before I leave each morning for about 30 mins - she plays ball and meets up with other dogs at the park and runs hard.