Hi all, Finn is just about to turn 16 weeks/4 months and I had him at the vet for his last shots. He weighed in at 18 lbs (8.16 kg). He is a field lab, so won't be stocky. He's full of energy and doesn't look too skinny (he did start to look slightly skinny for a second so I increased his food, now he's looking fine again). I feel so bad I might have been feeding him a bit too little for a week as I found out the measuring cup I was using was the wrong size (ack!), although he was getting tons of treats for training sessions so I assume he was fine. Can't see ribs unless he stretches. He's got plenty of energy. He was about 14 lbs when I got him at 3 months 1 week, so he started off quite small. The vet didn't say anything on the first visit or today, so I am assuming nothing is amiss. I personally do not mind at all if he's just small...I just want to know if I should go back to the vet? Here he is:
oh my goodness. I've been posting on forums for 15 years and I have no idea why that was so difficult!
Oh my look at those ears He looks fine to my inexpert eye - I think it is more about the shape of your dog - does he have a nice tuck up into his back legs and can you feel his ribs as if they are covered with a blanket rather than a duvet (no pressure). That's what I go on anyway. Bailey fits the above and he is totally healthy and full of energy - he is also a picky eater but I guess labs will let you know if they are hungry!
Thanks. I wasn't too worried but he just seems so below the average as compared to the weights from the "How much does your puppy weigh" thread. So then of course I started worrying! Haha. But that's in my nature....
He's adorable! There are labs on here that are huge and lots that are petite too - I wouldn't worry. His shape looks good to me!
He looks perfect to me - what a cutie! And if I haven't said so before, I love his name. Not that he appears thin but a little on the thin side is better anyway, especially when larger breed dogs are young, as it is better for their developing bones and joints. Heck, a little on the thin side is healthier for everyone...too bad I can't seem to master that for myself.
He's a lovely little chap. In our park there are lots of Labs and they come in all shapes and sizes, some are big barrels and others are quite small and lean and everything inbetween. We worry so much but he looks healthy to me.
Ours was getting heavier every week and you'd see the growth spurt starting as her tail would look bigger then her legs would be leggier and then the rest followed. She was pretty much getting a cup of puppy food morning and night plus handfuls when we went to work and treats etc. I could still carry her at 18 weeks just but she was putting on weight each week when we weighed her so I'd just weigh him each week and keep track of him putting on weight as they grow like crazy in spurts at that age.
Well he looks gorgeous to me, can't see anything to worry about. He's perfectly in proportion as far as I can see, so if he's slighter than some, it doesn't matter.
He is very cute and looks good to me. Harley was petite until she turned 1 where she filled out a bit.
He looks great. He's got a lovely, long tail there. Just go by how he feels, like @Samantha Jones says. Coco is fully grown so I juggle is intake all the time. As a rough guide he gets 200g kibble in the week, 150g at the weekend. Plus a daily tin of wet food. Plus training treats in the week (less so at the weekend). I feel along his ribs all the time, just to keep a check.
Oh, he looks nice in that photo. Oban weighed 21 pounds (9.5 kg) at 16 weeks. His parents were smaller (it was the dickens searching breeders for dogs even within the standard weight, let alone small, which I wanted for easier picking up) and he has matured to smack dab in the middle of the weight range of 60 to 75 pounds. Did you not get a feeding and weight gain guide from your breeder? Can you contact your breeder?