I'm starving too Maisie, but mum says its coz I've been poorly that I need smaller meals Why are you starving? I love Wales too.......especially when I get to see my Pongo
@Rosie Omg Pongo really? Water that i would like?? Where is it? I like zoomies. I havent learnt the bum tuck proper but i do try! Do you eat any poo at this place? We live in liverpool but visited Betwys Y Coed today. Mum likes esssploring. Mum said she thinks you are far away but she would THINK about it omg imagine. If i lick her lots and sleep when she says she MIGHT say yes. Remember we are cousins. you could teach me how to get a beautiful girlfriend lile Harley
Oh Rolo, that would be GREAT! Maybe you and your mum could come on one of our Forum Pack Walkies and we could go to The Best Pond Ever and run and run and sploooosh and paddle and swimmyswimmyswimmy and paddle and SHAKE and run and run!
I'm so jealous. I wish I could come. I told my mummy we needed to move to Wayuls and she said no Stanley
That sounds the BEST !!!!!! I will work on her surely if its a special ocaysun she HAS to go. Make sure you tell me when and ill give her licks before i ask agagin!!!!
I hav purfected the hungree look *beams* Went swimming this morning at hydrofurapee. Been mooching around lots since I got home. Mum fort I waz hungree......I got lunch (!!) as well as loadza cheeeeezzzzzze for swimming good Success! Lilly x
Micks little Lucy came to visit and a walk. She made my tea I love her. Her wellies are silver and glittery she tastes nice
I don't wee in the garden anymore, I don't see the point. I save it alllllll up and go on every lamp post and tree and fence on my walkies. Mummy sends me out in the garden and says weeeeee weeeee, she just sounds silly and I give her the look that tells her so. You don't waste good wee if no other dogs are going to be able to smell it Hopefully it'll even mean I get more walkies! Stanley
Mum said I am going to learn to swim, she said it's a hydrofurapee pool but it's also for dogs like me that are frightened of the waves. Do you think it's the same one Lilly? Will I get lots of cheeeeezzzzzze? I like cheeeeeeezzzzze . Ripple
My mom's hand makes clicking noises all of the sudden. Pretty weird, if you ask me. But every time her hand clicks I get a treat. Pretty amazing!!!
That whipper snapper that never stops talking came again today. Its a good job I'm deaf because it's mouth never stops moving. Rory likes her but Rory likes anything, I surpose she's ok I just tune her out. They gave her my lead and I looked after her she followed along nicely once I took charge and she didn't pull much. It was a big walk for me but I had a great time. I barked at ging for no reason and didn't let her or the toyboy out if my sight. Lucy made me my tea and now it's nap time til super.mmmmmmm
The most amazing thing just happened! Mum shut us downstairs (it's very strange here, the living room is upstairs and the bedrooms are downstairs) and, when she let us back up, there was food in all sorts of strange places! We had to use our noses and sniff and sniff and sniff to find it all. Some of it was on the sofa, some of if was on shelves and under the rug. On chairs, too. It was BRILLIANT! She made some strange noise about that being our dinner, but that can't be right, because it wasn't in a bowl. It's nearly dinner time now, in fact. Must go stare at her to let her know. Willow
Mum is sperimenting with me with lots of new foods. Today for dinner I had two mackerel fillets (super yummy), sweet potato (not too bad), and some funny stuff she said was gratedcarat (didn't really like that but managed to eat it as I didn't want to upset her). Then she made a fried egg sandwich, smashing I thought - never had a fried egg sandwich - but she ate it all herself, how am I supposed to try new things if she eats them ? Meany mum strikes again . Ripple
You just need to steal it, Ripple. Today mummy was cooking and she left something called Hal-oooooo-me on the side. When she turned her back I quickly jumped up and gobbled it all up. Mummy was grumbling saying one day she'll bloody learn - I hope not. I like my extra snacks Stanley
Yesterday I tried a new food too...something very yucky. It's called beeeets. I spat it out and walked out of the kitchen and then mum walked all over it on the floor. I went to my bed and glared at mum for having something so yucky. Do not take beeets from humans. Quinn
I helped make dinner for the humans today, well I stood next to mum and stared really really hard. And I got carrot and cauliflower, and sprout scraps - I'm a real veg-head. Then I got some hot roast beef. I LOVE roast beef, and I work for cold bits, but today I had hot roast beef. Then dad let me lick the gravy off his plate. It tasted of more beef. - Coco
Wowzers! My favoritest! If its Auntie Daryl and Uncle Pawline then it might be! Uncle Pawline gives great cuddles Just be scared and refuse to chase the toyz and tell your mum you need cheeeezzzzzeee! Lilly x