Tell them you are a friend of Lilly Smith and they will look after you Tell mum not to furget the cheeeeese!
I did the biggest poo EVVVVER last night before I went to bed , now Mum thinks she gave me too much dinner. Do you think I ought to tell her about everything I ate on the beach yesterday? Ripple
Cheese is the best! Mum made up a song for me about cheese this morning: "You'd do anyfing, for cheese, dear, anyfing, for cheese means evryfing to youuuuuu." She said it's something to do with a boy called Oliver. I don't know any Olivers though. Luna
Keep that between you & us dogs, Ripple. We won't say anything. OOH by the way! I found, grabbed & swallowed a cat-poo nugget just as we were going into the field to play fetch. She shouted "Oh Coco you filth-pot!" Coco 1 - mum 0. - Coco
You should of seen me trotting round the park like I own it. Well I do actually I can still move. I didn't even get out if breath. I've still got it! I CANTERED up to ging really fast it made her smile and she hugged me. I don't normally allow such familiarity but i was shocked by my own speed. I am awesome just incase anyone didn't get it. When I came home I chased the eye candy round the living room until he squeeled and I was worn out. Had my tea had a sleep just a quick one and when I got up oooooow my old bones. I don't know if it was the canter or toyboy abuse but I was a bit stiff. Moo
I went to school last night, and my pal (Little) Coco was back - she was away with her seezun ? Anyway, she's back and she was next to me in the line and I couldn't concentrate because I wanted to say "hello" and I wasn't allowed. Her dad always compliments me on my long recall. I run as fast as I can and look really really stylish, then i sit bolt upright for my treat. - Coco
How tall are you Sir I only like tall boys? (Moo is the smallest lab ever so everyone is taller than her she's just being coy)
Hhehe so I ate a dead pigeon on Monday, and pretended I was dying yesterday and now I got to go to the vets (where I get loads of cuddles and get to bounce around trying to play with everyone) and mum has stayed home from work with me and cuddled me all morning. Win!!! Now where to find more pigeons...........
Mum says I am the biggest Labrador in the whole world. I don't know if that is true but I am bigger than ANY of my friends. I am big big big big big. Can I be your toyboy? (What is a toyboy anyway?) Pongo xxxxx
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Yesyesyes! Holly, shall we take our hoomans and the Pack back to Beekonvyoo? It is my favouritest place and you taught me to swim there. I'll see if I can get mum to understand, maybe if I go get your book and wave the right page at her she'll get the idea....
If you have to ask you .will never know...but I heard you are blond hunk from a few other lady's so hello Pongo
I saw my friend Bobbi she's looking so happy now. She was so sad when Mitchell died. She ran about and played today I know she misses Mitch but his sister has been looking after her and she's done such a brilliant job.Bobbi looked after me a played with me when I was really small, she's still bigger than me! Wilfy wolfy pup came too he can cock his leg now . Ive been showing him how to do it I'm tired and I'm lying on top of ging she's tired too. If I make my bottom hiss she can't escape. He he he
Oooooh yeeessss! Dad and I have been using all the little paths at Beekonvyoo and found some nice sniffy places. I'd love to share them with my pals.
I pooped on the carpet when mommy went to the bathroom. That'll show her for leaving me alone for EVER. But poop looked soo yummy! It was calling my name. I HEARD it. So I ate it. Mommy yelled when she saw me, cuz she wants it all for herself. I'm onto her. But I beat her to it. #noregrets #poopforthewin
Hats off to you! I couldn't eat my OWN poo, even if it was to stop mum eating it. I'm in awe - Kudos to you! - Coco