Rolo, I had a lie in today too - I love lie-ins. I creep up the bed then turn onto my back and dad gives me belly-rubs for ages, and tells me "Coco is a good boy". Weekends are my favourites because we get lie-ins. Rolo, can you get on their bed? That would be my recommendation. - Coco the Good Boy
Lie ins are great if you can get on their bed. I get masses of tummy rubs and ear scratches when they want a lie in. Everyone wins!
Yes! You are so right Holly! Lie ins are the best when you get to have an extra long snuggle bed cuddle with your hoomans.
I don't like lie-ins. Lie-ins mean I have to stay in my crate and watch the big doggies getting tummy rubs on the bed. It's not fair. Although then they go outside and I get tummy rubs, too. So maybe it's not so bad. I just don't like waiting. Luna
Hi guys, Cassie here. I'm relatively new to this forum, but I'm a bit worried about my Hooman. I mean I love her, I really do, we have fun by the lake and in the woods, she takes me out to see my friends, and the woodburner, well, that's just sublime. But here's the thing. Every now and again she gets out this green object (she calls it dummy), I love it, I really do. But she throws it away. Yes, she throws it away. And then, then I have to go and get it. So I think, well, she doesn't want it so I'll have it and have a game with it, you know the sort of thing, toss it in the air, pounce on it. And then....she wants it back! Oh yes! Gets herself in a right fix, jumps up and down squeaks, does allsorts. So I think better go and see if the old girls alright, and you'd never believe it but she gives me something to eat and we have to do it again! Anyone else having this trouble? I mean I'm wondering, quite who is the dummy here?
I'm not going out in this weather no way. It will make my shoulder hurt. I will just have to do with an extra nap.
Dad says I am cat-egorically NOT allowed on their bed. I dont understand im not a cat. I would make it all nice and warm and lick tbem and wiggle. Ill keep trying. The same happend again Woke them uo at 7:30 prompt. She came down let me pee and back in bed...she said shes training me to sleep in later. Nope not happening today i howled and howled.
Rolo you work on mummy! My dad says no dogs on the bed too. But when he's at work mummy comes down and gets me and brings me up for snuggle time! It's brill, beds are the best!!! Daddy asks why there's hair in the bed and mummy just says because they get everywhere, silly daddy believes her Stanley
Yeah Stanley you're a hero. We're not allowed upstairs. She's says there us medical equipment and drugs but we don't care
Mum says that I'm not allowed in the bedrooms because of the cats. Bloody cats, always smug because they get to sleep in the bedrooms AND on my sofa. The injustice!
My dad is back! He sleeps in the mornings now, which is really funny but OK by me since after my morning walk I sleep anyway and now I can sleep with him. Then we walk to the coffee shop and I get my special donut treat. I'm sososo happy again! I bet I will start getting my special walks to the big park too! Quinn
Went running in the paddock today...the red mist came down, and I had to RUN!!! know how it is....then I stopped...MUM HAD ROOST BEEF...!! my hooman is funny..she was jumping up and down very happy. I had roost beef I was very happy too..Casper.
Hello all, I've been to the vets. I like it there, as a rule. Lot's of nice smiley ladies ooing and cooing. "Hello Cassis" they say. Anyway tonight I had to sit and wait, which I did , I really did. Until I saw a vision of loveliness emerge from a consulting room - a white shining angel, with legs that went on forever, and a big blue hoop round his neck like a slipped halo. He had a curly coat and tail like a pompom on a stick. I leapt up, I sooo wanted to play and play and play with him! he seemed keen. But his Hooman said "that's not Boris", and my Hooman said, no this is not Boris. And so he had to go. So I thought I'd engage with a cat in a sort of mini crate thing.It's Hooman crossed her legs and adopted a stand offish pose, and my Hooman said "don't interfere Cass" . Then we had to go a little room with a lovely, lovely young woman who was all smiles and squeaks and high pitched. Me being Miss Socially Confident and Over Friendly was all over her in no time at all. She fiddled and furtled with my ears, put a bit of a stick thing in them, which I thought was a bit uncalled for. So then we had to wait again, when she called me back again I said no, no I don't really think so. All non verbal you understand, nothing nasty. Then she gets out some nibbles and I think well, lets let bygones be bygones. And back in I go. This time she puts some stuff in my ears. So I thought while your down here my love lets have a look at your ears -- got my tongue right round them , don't she'll need to wash them for a bit. Hoomans are perplexing, don't you find?