My pup is 20 weeks and eats her own poo, other dogs' poo, horse poo and rabbit poo. She thought all her Christmases had come at once the other day when we were walking along a track used by horses and there were mounds of poo at every step! It drives me bonkers. I will take tips from here and hope it gets better . . . .
I think the only way forward with no poo eating is to train "leave it" I'm lucky I live in the countryside so there is no shortage of poo I walk across fields every day. Hattie was partial to sheep, rabbit and horse poo so I trained a "leave it" with really tasty treats. I know Hattie is 9 years old now but she can walk through a sheep field of poo and walk at my side, if she looks at poo I say "leave it" she looks up at me and gets a great treat, so I have something tastier than POO It's also a very useful cue if your dog should encounter something they really shouldn't eat that could make them sick. I am pretty sure they way to start training this with a puppy is to hold a treat in one hand, open to let your puppy see it say "leave it" and give them a treat from the other hand. Do this lots of times in different locations inside then gradually move outside etc. to proof. I think that's right. x