Hello everybody. English is not my mother tongue; please excuse any errors on my part. Two days ago we noticed this ''thing'' on our beloved Labrador. A veterinarian came, took a closer look and set his diagnosis, however, he's is not sure. I'll be taking him to another vet tomorrow, for a second opinion. But i also decided to ask here if someone knows what this could be and how to cure it, though, i'm not sure if i'm on the right place. He's not showing any sign of a disease, he is still playful, still running, still eats without breathing... We call him Meda, and even though he's 7 years old it feels to me like he's still my little puppy full of life (ok, i'm crying now). So, again, if this looks familiar to anyone, please share your thoughts.
Hi there and welcome here, although I am sorry it is this worry that has brought you to us. I'm afraid we can't see your picture, if you look under technical help you will see the instructions of how to upload a picture. However, we cannot give medical advice except to tell you to take your dog to the vet if you are worried. And you have already done that, which is good. If you could share a bit more about what the diagnosis was we might be able to give you some more advice as to how to cope with it.
Thanks for your answer. I posted images to imgur. Can you see them on this link: imgur.com/a/nYntm ? It works fine for me. And for diagnosis, he said he believes it's a tumor, though he's not sure if benign or malign.
Hi there Bobas, I tried copying the link to upload it for you but it hasn't worked ( I'm not the best IT resource to come to your rescue to be honest!) Flickr and Photobucket seem to be the best hosting sites to use ...although I struggle with Flickr on my ipad. I'm sorry you've had bad news....if a tumour has been diagnosed are you going to another vet to have it tested to see if it is anything to worry about ? It doesn't always need to be something terrible ,sometimes innocent lumps and bumps and warty things appear as dogs get older...
http://imgur.com/a/nYntm I can see it. Does your vet suggest removal ? It's in a awkward place, on his eyelid, if it were to grow bigger. I think I'd be hoping to have it removed. Fingers crossed it's benign.
I am sorry you're so worried - very normal! The best thing I've found is to get a diagnosis as quickly as possible so that you can then have a plan of action - which you are doing. I can't help except to say I am thinking of you and Meda and hoping it's nothing. Please let us know when you find out.
I think I would be wanting that removed because it looks as though it may be rubbing/touching the eyeball which could cause problems. Fingers crossed the lump is benign.
I'm calling another vet today, just to be sure. I'd prefer alternative medicine because i'm a little afraid of a surgery. I was reading that surgery can be too much for older dogs and can turn to be fatal. I know 7 years is not that old, but still. Anyway, i'll be hearing another vet's opinion soon, and decide what is best for my dog.
Good luck. That does look like its rubbing against the eye. Must hurt. Am sure vet will take care of it. Please keep us posted.
If your vet recommends surgery, try not to let worries about anaesthetic put you off. My last dog had a lump removed at age 13 and lived happily afterwards for another 18 months.
So sorry for your worries , and I hope your fears are unfounded , but please don't worry about surgery , my five and a half year old has quite recently had surgery to remove a lump plus surrounding tissue , he was just fine , modern anaesthetics are much improved , good luck
I was very worried when Snowie needed a GA as he is epileptic. Thankfully all was fine altho he was quite hyper when we picked him up - not drowsy at all! That was a year ago. Then, in Dec he had to have his eye sewn shut (temporarily while healing) due to a corneal abrasion from playing wildly with another dog. He only got a sedative but it knocked him out. I was in the operating room during the procedure. It was terrifying watching a huge needle so close to his eye, terrified the vet would prick his eye! I actually looked away after a minute cos I was so frightened! I'm pleased to say all went well. The vet said we could take Snowie as is, i.e. still sedated, cos we had a long bumpy drive back on a dirt road and he thought it would be easier having a sleeping dog on the backseat. But we asked that he be woken up - with an injection - cos we were afraid he'd not come to! He woke up immediately with the first thing to move being his tail! Started wagging straight away! I agree to seek more than one opinion, but based on our experience, surgery is not as frightening as one thinks. Snowie is five years old.