Saw and played with the most lovely black working cocker pup today. Shes a friends and I am so torn. I want another lab but I don't know if I will be physically up to it. I really liked her. Bugger.
At the end of our lead walk this morning, I took Coco on the beach for 10 mighty throws with a ball-chucker. On the 10th throw, Coco was at the ball ( along way away) when I saw a man with a dog had appeared on the to be 3-400 yards away. Bu99er! I'm certain Coco saw them as I did. I pipped my whistle (in hope) - he hurtled towards me without a backward glance. I still cannot believe it. He knew I had sausage...he'd already earned 9 pieces. Did he see them? Have we turned another corner? I'm still buzzing 10 hours later.
It's not the energy its the ware and tear of a bigger dog. Physically it's hard for me to handle a larger dog. Planning for the next few years and thinking ahead is important for me to think what I will be able to do and what I won't.
Hats off to you all with the puppies! I completely forgot how hard it is! In my mind toilet training was no bother but it's so hard having to watch for every sign of something coming. And this dog seems to have no issue going in his crate. I've already had to wash his bed and I've thrown out a towel. I took him outside and put him in the rabbit run for half an hour.. nothing. Popped him in his crate to let Stanley out and there was a wee and a poo Sometimes I think Stanley's no better, but my god, tonight I have seen just how far we have come! I'm now on the couch with a crappy blanket for the night to keep my beedy eye on him cos I want no more accidents (and he's a bit unsettled, of course). All this for a lads night out Stanley on the other hand, after initially being a bit boisterous has been a little dream. Let him play with all of his toys and drink out of his water bowl and has played with him - very proud. But we are definitely a one dog household!!
Hah, nothing like spending time with a little firecracker to make you appreciate your mad dog, amirite? Today I took Xena on her very first pack walk! My local doggy Facebook group does off lead walks on the weekend, and I've never thought about going - didn't want to ruin my hard work, knew that I'd be ignored because DOGS. But this morning I thought "sausage it" and went. And it was fantastic. Yes, I was ignored for the first 20 minutes (I didn't even try to get her attention) but after the initial excitement had worn off she gave me the odd check in (loads of roast lamb) and by the time we headed back to the carpark she was mostly trotting along beside me. I met loads of new people and it was just a nice outing. I'll definitely go back.
This dog never fails to amaze me. 1 night with the puppy and he's so patient and understanding. They've had a game of bitey face and now they're playing tuggy with one of Stanleys toys. He's such a good lad
Small vent coming up.... So Pongo ran off from the garden after another dog (again). And OH whistled and I called him and he ignored us (again). So I jogged off to get him back (again). Now OH is in a strop with him. He won't talk to him. He really, genuinely believes that the dog will understand that the reason his dad is acting all grumpy and angry is that three hours ago he ran off and didn't come back to his dad's whistle. He knows I think it is pointless, so if I say anything I just get a look. I hate bad atmospheres in the house and I'm unhappy because OH is in a mood with Pongo. Yeech.
Oh Rosie, I feel your frustration. My OH is just the same. He holds a grudge and cannot bring himself to drop it and treat Coco as if nothing has happened. I'll mutter, "it's a good job I can, else how do you think he'd be so well trained?" We have had walks cut short before, because Coco has "done something wrong". It upsets me. In an effort to express how you have to be with a dog, I'll often mention when Coco hasn't responded as I hoped and how I simply moved on with something I know he can do, heaping praise. It falls on deaf ears
I am currently going through this with OH (again) this weekend. He is not a dog person. If things don't go perfectly he's in a mood all day. Drives me up the wall and upsets me so much.