The other day this cat chased and kept jumping on top of a wall to try to scare me . Today I went by and it's got a friend they both tried to scare me! 2 black cats after me it's good job I've got ging they were horrid staring at me. I barked and she took me away and I met Bailey my friend and I forgot about the mean kitties. They were really big too
Mummy usually spoils me rotten , but she actually said some rude words to me today ! She took off her wellie , ( why do hoomans wear wellies ? ) she said there was a stone in it . So she stood there, hopping about on one leg , shaking the wellie , I got a bit fed up, hanging about waiting . All I did was give her a little nudge , that's all , its not the end of the world that she teetered about and then sort of went sideways , and the foot with no wellie on ended up in the mud ! What a fuss over nothing , mud is grand I think !
Shadow, now is your chance. You & Willow can go to your snow-home and leave the brown job behind. Have fun! I would take care of it for you..I love puppies....send it here to me. - Coco
There's an annoying brown thing in my house too! It keeps biting my ears and stealing my mummy. I don't like it - I do NOT! Mummy said it's only for one night and I'm the big boy so I have to be good. Hmmmm.. She's put it in its crate for now so I can have a rawhide in peace, but it's making some squeeky noises. Maybe it's a toy and I should chew it? Stanley
Are you sure it's only for one night, Stanley? I'd be very suspicious. You could try chewing it when it comes out of its crate... but I think you ought to be getting extra treats for putting up with it. Wispa
Last time I chewed something that was in a crate, mommy got really upset and kept saying "Bella, the cat is NOT food!" But if it looks like food, and it smells like food....I dont know...sometimes I think mommy's not too smart....
Little brown things can NOT be trusted! They steal your cuddles! And they have food which I'm sure would otherwise have been mine. The brown thing here had salmon skin earlier. The salmon was cut into three bits. I'm not daft, that would have been cut into two before the brown thing arrived. Do. Not. Trust. It. Shadow.
I've had the best day today. Mum didn't go to work today - she said she had the day off to spend with me. We had nice cuddles all morning, went for a really long walk at lunchtime where we played in the woods and the stream. Then I got a nice yummy fish skin, then we also went to my dad came When it was my turn I ran, jumped over everything, went through the tunnels just to show daddy what I can do, but mum said I was doing it wrong coz I wasn't listening to where she was telling me to go. Everyone laughed at me so I decided to show them that I can listen and daddy said I made him proud I'm off to bed now, I need to go quickly to get the best spot before mum and dad try to get in .......see ya
I'm absolutely exhausted we went to the woods and mummy said we could take Poppy because her mummy has flu. Poppy was really really naughty and ran off, but really ran off. I was scared and stayed so close to mummy. Daddy climbed all through the undergrowth to find her and she was by the pond with Dixies mummy. That's bad because she couldn't see my mummy from there. Then Phoebe followed daddy and got lost so daddy had to go back and help look. There was this really nasty Collie that growled at me so I sat by mummy, after that we saw Compton he is 12, I did bum tucking hoolies in the mud and was super super excited but he wouldn't chase me. So I had to go on the lead as I was just too silly. I spotted Rosie she is fun but they don't allow her to play so I was trying to run on the lead and did a funny barky growl noise thing as I just want to play I really do. People were looking as mummy nearly fell over. She looked very very cross so I had to be on a really tight lead and walk super close. Poppy was just sniffing that girls no fun sometimes. Now she's gone home, I've had my Kong wobbler and mum has put a bottle of prosecco in the fridge. She needs a drink apparently. I love weekends with my hoomans.
I developed a new diving technique whilst in the lead. I think its fun but ging not do much. She got me a new harness it's got camo fleece on it. Ging keeps asking me if i can hear the village people and laughing. She is really weird. whats a YMCA by the way?
I've had a great day today. Afte breakfast dad took me to Beacon Hill for a nice walks and a swim. Afterwards Mum and dad took me into town so I could meet lots of people. I waited outside shops with dad and lots of people came and told me I was beautiful. I was allowed in some shops. I wanted to join mummy in the cheese shop because it smelled wonderful, but dad insisted that I stayed outside. The nice cheese shop man brought me a little bit for being good. I'm quite tired after all that excitement so I';m going to have a snooze.
Oh yeay my turn for the fox poo, I haven't found any for sooooo long, and there it was today, perfect !!! The old girl was watching ducks on the lake (I know, I know...odd, but we all need a hobby) so she didn't see. Oh the joy!! First one side, then the other, then my back....wrigglewrigglewriggle, then the old girl starts making a groaning noise...I'm soooo thrilled with myself and life in general I just have too tuck up my bum and hoolie, zoomy call it what you will. Then I think I'll share it with her! That'll cheer her up! So I turn, line myself up, at speed, all 30.5kg of me, accelerate, judge the takeoff just perfectly and wipe some all over her left shoulder! Oh yes, I did! She must have been intoxicated with it though, just like me, cos she wobbled about on one leg and staggered around for a bit while I got my breathe back, oh isn't it nice to share !!! (don't think she'll need that bottle of red stuff she's put my the fire)
My Mummy is a spoil sport, official . Today , at the woods , there was a group of hoomans eating pasties , I love pasties you know , but Mummy put my lead on before I could go and introduce myself . I don't think she has forgotten the incident some time ago , oh boy, the pasty I swiped out of the mans hand , it was the very best , I ran off to gobble it up , the man wasn't very happy and you know what ? My Mummy pretended she didn't know me , how horrid is that ?