After a fabulous, focussed obedience class last week, Xena decided to do a 180 tonight. Would. Not. Stop. Sniffing. Kept on doing a random times. It was 25 degrees which is scorching by Wellington standards, so I think Xena just couldn't cope. Or she was just having an off week. Either way, a fiasco of a class. And there's no wine in the house, ugh!
We had the same problem on Sunday but because it was cold! Ella had this new found energy in the cold weather!
Love all the comments about OH's mine is a middle man, Loves Rolo will cuddle and play, but when it comes to obedience, if Rolo hasnt been trained something.. OH thinks hes stupid and should learn it all by himself. 'OH's throws a ball' ROLO GO AND GET IT 'Rolo picks it up' BRING IT TO ME COME ON Rolo doesnt understand. 'OMG WHY WONT YOU COME BACK WITH IT, DONT YOU WANT TO PLAY'
I did think of you wearing your jumper around your waist in 27 degree weather! Give me a nice, civilised 22 degrees any day.
In our house oh akways thinks the new dog is the naughtest. He always dislikes the newest most. He loved Doug but Doug was amazing. I think all the others fall short of Doug for him. he seems to think that dogs assend like Venus from the waves fully trained just because Doug was easy going and mellow he thinks they all will be. Doug was an exception and I do think his on going illness may have been affecting him even when he was young. My friends call oh the beast master i don't know if its because hes married to me or because if his skill with the dogs
My OH, cat man to the core, has really struggled bringing a dog into the house. But once she was out of the constantly biting phase his attitude to her changed immensely. He still comes up with stupid things like "smack her if she tries to eat the remote" even though I've told him that smacking would only work (I'm not condoning it) if we caught her in the act. But it's nice to see him warming up to her. Bringing a dog home was like bringing a baby home, it really turns your lifestyle upside down.
Today is my last day of feeling like a bad dog mum on a Monday. From next week Rolo is in daycare for half of the day....Monday's were just too much and unmanagebale with no proper or reliable care in place for him...I know he will enjoy going to play
Luna is teething and losing her naked tummy. I don't like it, my little Squidge is growing up too fast!!
My parent's neighbours have a little 15 week old black lab (Betty)...I rushed outside to see her as soon as I heard. She is so cute and I thought, I need a second. I watched her run with Quinn and I thought, 100% we are getting Quinn a little sister. Then she bit my face with those little razors and I remembered...sticking with one for now!
Moos got a new lump. I'm not happy but I'm sure it's a lab fatty lump. It's on her hip and in an a potentially bad place.
I'll try to get one later. Holding a camera and dealing with an upside-down puppy isn't easy Luna is a little star. Been through the village this morning, working on ignoring people. She is so good! Gorgeous little Squidge
What a good girl Wait until she is asleep to take a photo, she won't know then that you are showing the world her lovely tummy
I'm sure it'll be fine too - but worrying for you. (Not for Moo, though.) Let us know what you find out about it - fingers and paws crossed here.
I picked Stanley up from his new day care today. The lady said she couldn't believe how well behaved he was and for 10 months old she was really impressed. I had to ask her if she was definitely talking about my dog