Retrieves inside but outside maybe...

Discussion in 'Labrador Training' started by Chet Zuber, Mar 21, 2017.

  1. Chet Zuber

    Chet Zuber Registered Users

    Dec 5, 2016
    Chisum will fetch his dummy inside the house as many times as I will toss it. Ball, Rope, it doesn;t matter. When we head outside I'll get him excited for it toss it he will run after it then just sniff and move on. Am I teaching bad habits in the house?
  2. drjs@5

    drjs@5 Registered Users

    Jun 2, 2012
    Fife, Scotland
    Is he getting a reward for bringing it back?
    You maybe need to build this up a bit.
    Just very short retrieves (of a few feet?) with a juicy treat as a reward.
    How did you teach retrieving inside?
  3. FinnOfSoCal

    FinnOfSoCal Registered Users

    Jan 16, 2017
    My pup (5.5months) is way too distracted outside to chase any toys....see my other thread in the forum :)
  4. Johnny Walker

    Johnny Walker Registered Users

    Sep 10, 2016
    Eastern Canada
    We practice structured retrieves and I keep Duggan engaged and rewarded. I also know when to stop. It needs to remain fun. Then we have play time which is run in a totally different way. During playtime he is not working and is more than free to roam and sniff away. We have a zoo worth of animal travel through our property each day, so he's free to sniff. Then when he's finished being a dog we play again squeezing in a little random recall work, but outside of the structured retrieves it's his time. It took time to get him to successfully retrieve outside. Lots of treats but persistence pays off. Inside there is nothing else to do so they will retrieve all day because there's no better option. Outside... lots of better options. Keep at it. We started off with the dummy scented with duck scent and on a string so I could tease his interest when his nose started to wonder. That perked his interest again and soon enough he was back by my side ready for another toss only to lose interest again. lol. We started off with 2-3 tosses and worked up from there as he became more interested.
    selina27 likes this.

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