For the past week I've been ridiculously busy with work and plans with friends. I've spent very little time with Stanley. Tonight I went out again and since I've got back I've had a little shadow following me around everywhere when usually he's happy hanging out with OH. As soon as I sat down he jumped on my knee and is snuggled up and hasn't moved since That dog has got me right where he wants me - all weekend plans are now out of the window. Some me and little boo time is very much needed
I am SO glad i moved Rolo from his old daycare, the new lady is fab, and Ive just found out they diddled me out of £110 My mother in law used to drop him off on a Wednesday, and pay for him. and then I would collect him after work and pay for the day! they never once told me, and it was only the other day I was chatting to mother in law and she said oh you didn't used to pay did you!
They stole from you . I would speak to them to see if they rectify their "error " and if they won't speak to a police officer at your closest station they will advise what you can do. That's just so disgusting
Alfie recalled from other dogs today to his whistle!! I am so proud of him! I never thought we'd get that! It may have just been a fluke but I am still over the moon the risk of sounding very Californian and very old...that's just so completely LAME. Go back and call them on it for sure!
I spoke with them last week and they said they would "check" i said check? Did no one think to tell me on the days i was overpaying They obviously thought they got away with it. He took his sweet time replying and i had to call 3 times. He said it was 11 overpayments and I can collect whenever. No apology
De-crating overnight has had a bump in the road..... Last night, he didnt get his usual late walk and I went to bed earlier, turned all the lights off and let him have roam of the kitchen. I heard a bit of kerfuffle so I came down and he had just took his bedding out of his bed, I removed the bedding and went back to bed, up at 5am and he has chewed my skirting board and riped wall paper off the walls... Not what i need.. Not blaming my boy just deflating to say the least should I have known he would be restless after no 2nd walk....
After a few instances of Ripple deciding to run off on walks and then doing the 'dancing' round me thing after coming back so I couldn't actually get his lead back on, one of which culminated in me losing my temper as I was frightened he was going to get run over, I have decided to go back for some more formal training. I am going back to the 1-2-1 gundog trainer from last year, we had started to make progress when he suddenly had to go into hospital and somehow I never got back to him. I am hoping he will be able to help me over this hurdle and teach me how to keep Ripple more focused on me when we are out. We had been making loads of progress recently and Ripple was improving in leaps and bounds but this last week has been a real trial. Unfortunately I have to go away next week and Ripple will be left in OH's 'capable' hands, so goodness knows what I will find when I come back .
Ripple never ceases to amaze, after last weeks disappointing swimming lesson and his behaviour this week, we just had a fantastic swimming lesson with him. He was a really good boy, got in the pool and swam with very little help. Retrieved the squeaky toy in the pool, waited to be told he could fetch it and then ALLOWED HIMSELF TO BE SHAMPOOED AND BLOW DRIED with very little fuss or silliness .
Oh beardy is sick he's got a chest infection. So he's sleeping sitting up. It's great I get a lie in cos Moo the merciless doesn't wake up at 3.38 if she has company. This morning I had a lie in until 5.30