Advice please

Discussion in 'Labrador Puppies' started by Atemas, Apr 11, 2017.

  1. leejane

    leejane Mum to the Mooster

    Dec 19, 2014
    Nuneaton, North Warwickshire
    There's probably a great business idea there, respite care for puppy owners ;)
    drjs@5 likes this.
  2. leejane

    leejane Mum to the Mooster

    Dec 19, 2014
    Nuneaton, North Warwickshire
    Though I know you were just offering out of the kindness of your heart!
  3. Atemas

    Atemas Registered Users

    Feb 22, 2017
    Jen what a very kind offer - so very thoughtful.

    Thank you for all your understanding. I do feel it has been one thing after another. I am feeling so tired now I can barely operate but somehow I have to ride this out. Last evening she was asleep in her crate and I felt such love for her so maybe there is hope
    MF likes this.
  4. Atemas

    Atemas Registered Users

    Feb 22, 2017
    Thank you leejane for your honesty in saying you did also leave Monty to whine. I will keep trying the click for quiet but I suspect she will also have to learn that whining isn't going to work also. My DH wasn't pleased with me yesterday when I was back in the kitchen (I only went back in when she had gone quiet for a moment) - he said she had learnt to control me. It led to tension between us which is the very last thing we need to add into the mix. Anyway, shortly afterwards I kept leaving the kitchen for a few moments/minutes and Red was actually quiet!
  5. Granca

    Granca Registered Users

    Jan 12, 2014
    That sounds like a little bit of progress! Have you tried leaving a radio on? I've always settled mine if I go out by leaving/putting on the radio and giving them a Kong. If I switch on the radio (or particularly if I change from the tv to the radio) Tuppence immediately rushes to the worktop where I keep their Kongs and then to her crate. She's not shut in, but she seems to like a pattern of events in her routine.
  6. selina27

    selina27 Registered Users

    Aug 24, 2016
    Herefordshire UK
    Yes, I do this too. Cassie now recognises when I'm going to work -- once she sees me in my uniform she too goes and sits by the worktop and waits for her Kong.
    It's hard for you @Atemas after her being so ill, puppies are hard work when they are not ill. But it does sound like you are making progress, well done.
  7. Boogie

    Boogie Supporting Member Forum Supporter

    Mar 29, 2014

    That's good, it does start to work quite quickly. Some pups are much more sensitive to this than others. Mollie was my most difficult so far, even going upstairs brought howls and barks.

    Your husband is half right. Some barks/cries/howls are of protest or for attention and can be ignored. Some are genuine anxiety and upset and will get worse and worse if ignored. Knowing the difference is an art! It takes time to get to know each dog so I never leave them crying until I can 'read' their barks/cries/howls.

    When they are tiny I wait by the crate (ignoring all noise, I am right there!) and read a book until they dose off. After a week or so I stand by the crate, then after another week or so I stand by the door. If they are not tired I take them to the loo with me lol. Most don't need such a long lead in period to me leaving the room, but Mollie did and so did Twiglet. Then I start the 5 minute, ten minutes etc when they are about 16 weeks.

    I always leave a radio on, I think this helps them not to listen for external noises.

    Atemas likes this.
  8. Boogie

    Boogie Supporting Member Forum Supporter

    Mar 29, 2014
    Tatze knows what is about to happen by what shoes I put on! If I put non dog walking shoes she heads for her bed :)

    She also knows when visitors are coming and watches the door - I must do unconscious tidying up!

    Atemas, MF and selina27 like this.
  9. leejane

    leejane Mum to the Mooster

    Dec 19, 2014
    Nuneaton, North Warwickshire
    Yes, I've always left the radio on, I even do the now even though he sleeps upstairs on the bed and the radio is downstairs.
    Atemas likes this.
  10. Samantha Jones

    Samantha Jones Registered Users

    Apr 19, 2016
    We always leave the radio on for Bailey, my radio alarm clock has its uses :) As soon as we go upstairs with a treat he jumps on the bed and waits for the radio to be put on, lays down and then tucks into his treats (he has never got on with kongs :( he hates peanut butter and is just too plain lazy to work at a kong I think!)
    Atemas and MF like this.
  11. MF

    MF Registered Users

    May 5, 2014
    Cape Town, South Africa
    We also left the radio on - our usual talk radio station - at a pleasant sound level, not too loud.

    Now that Snowie is 5 yo we don't leave it on. He's always very tired when we go out so I'm sure he appreciates the quiet. He's usually in very deep sleep when we get back.
    Atemas likes this.

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