I heard Mummy on the phone this morning , talking to someone called Groomer , it was all about trimming and clipping , and I thought Oh No , is this for me ? I damned well hope not , I don't fancy being clipped one little bit . Then Mummy said , Her name is Nell and she is a shihtzu cross , oh thank goodness for that ! Mummy says she has to be tidied up because her hair is a mess, hahaha ! Sam xx
Beard said he was going to shave freeloader into my fur but ging wouldn't let him. I think she could do with a trip groomers though scruffy woman. She has hair like Nell
I am being naughty tonight according to daddy. I don't want to go to bed and sleep. Mummy is asleep, but daddy had not gone to bed yet, so I am up and annoying him. Pretended that I needed the toilet, then just relaxed in the garden for ages....like a whole hour. It is really late and way past my bed time. I am waiting on daddy to go to bed, but he is busy on the coommmpututer and working...I can't spell it properly. he said he will only be 5 more minutes...but that is ages....I am going to wake him up at 3am again to just to tell him that I am there....
I missed School on Tuesday because I was away on the boat. So......I went tonight instead. It was brill! My friend Bane was back - minus his man-bits, but that was OK, he still played and humped me . And we did different exercises and I was really really good. But near the end of class 1, Bob arrived. Bob doesn't seem to like me so I don't like him. We barked at each other. I said he was stupid and he said he didn't care because he was in class 2 and I wasn't and said he was glad I was going. I saw mum stroking Bob. Bob brings out bad feelings in me and then dad gets cross...but he didn't get cross tonight because I'd been so good...sorry, I'm rambling again...Zzzzzzzz - Coco
Mum gave me a raw egg today. I used to be really impressed with eggs, I ate the shell and everything. But I've since discovered they come scrambled, fried, or boiled, with a bit of seasoning, bacon, or smoked salmon on the side. So, why am I still being fed them raw and so poorly presented? In disgust I chewed today's on the conservatory floor and left loads of the clear stuff. Obviously I snaffled the yolk. Best bit.
Ging has had to cancel all the holiday stuff cos she's too sick but we are Going to get to go on some Nice walks and not have to visit the boring relatives yeah
Rory and moo, this is for the best, probably, though not that your mum is sick, of course. Relatives sound good and it's all exciting when they arrive or you visit , but it generally goes downhill after that. "Monty, don't do that, don't touch that food, go outside, don't steal their shoes, don't knick stuff out their handbags " Well, don't bring all this new smelly stuff into my house in the first place then! Bah. Honestly you would think the humans owned the house. It's actually the cat.
Iwentothebeachandhadsomuchfunnotbeenforages.....I can't say that quick enough. Not been for ages because I have had a sore ear. All better now, so headed straight for a swim...I lovelove my swims. We spent ages down their... Now back home after a quick shower I am going to have a nap while daddy cleans the house, while mummy reads a book.
You're right there Monty. And another thing....dad's mum thinks she is Barbara Woodhouse and issues "commands" at me in such a barky way! Dad steps in and corrects her, but she forgets. I don't think you can teach an Old Hooman new tricks. - Coco
I know I know Harley , isn't it great, My Hooman bruvver is here I get to see him twice a day in the morning and at night, I lovelovelove his boots he works on a farm to get munny for Uney and I clean his boots for him he has bin Muk Spreddin. Last night he followed the old girl downstairs I had to bend my neck right round so I could see him, never mind her, I can see her anyday. And his Gurl Frend is cumin today and and and my Hooman sister and her Boy Frend ..... And and I fink I am gonna see you Sunday Harley....
They do Muk Spreddin round us and it gets sprayed into our garden. Mum doesn't like it but I think it is nice. Mum is silly.
Our barbeecoo was poseponed - but it's coming TODAY! Mum has been making some deeelishous-smelling things in the kitchen. She says they are CHEEEEEEEEESE and chilly burgers. Well, of course they're chilly, she put them in the fridge!! Luna
I hurt my ear. Vet ladee put me to sleep to mend it and now I hav to ware a CONE for a hole WEEK and not get to run or play.
Hooman siblings are fun aren't they . My Hooman sister is coming with us on Sunday so it will be extra fun Oh no . Sending big licks to get better . Make sure you get your hoomans to give you lots of extra treats.........make sure you use the really, really sad face x
That sucks Lilly , make sure you put that pafetic look on your face so that you get lots of treats , licks from Sam and Nell x