Oh Lily! That's not good. I don't like The Cone. Horrid horrid. Sending licks to make your ear better and then you won't need The Cone.
Oh Lilly, poor Lilly, hope you feel better soon. I had a cone once someone dropped in the street. I could still run around though, that's funny if you can't isn't it?
Oh no Cassie, you don't understand! The Cone is horrid, they put it round your NECK and you can't lie down properly and you can't runrunrun because it bangs into things and hurts and you can't lick your bits or ANYTHING and it is horridhorridhorrid! I had to have The Cone when I had a bad neckscratchyitchthing and I couldn't lie down and I was so tired I fell asleep sitting up and then I fell over and mum said she didn't know whether to laugh or cry. It is horrid and I don't like The Cone. Please get better soon Lily, sending you lots and lots of licks. Pongo
Lily lily! You can get them off! There should be a flap on it.. you need to chew that and then you can pull it over you head. Hahahha no cone for Stanley. I'll come and help you if you need it. I hope you feel better soon. Stanley
Oh no Lily, hope you are feeling better soon. I dont like anything wrong with my ears. I have never had a cone, but I have overheard that I will have one soon...
Mum and dad have a new kitchen. Today I got MY bit of the kitchen - a lovely big, soft mat right in the sunniest spot. I can lie in the sun and watch mum cooking, and be there in an instant if she needs help.
Mum is very careless. She is always dropping bits of brocolli and carrot. I like it best when she drop s bits of melon.
Ging gave us tuna today it wasn't cooked much just how we like it. We've had a great day nice walk good tea and cuddles. We've looked after her and tried to keep her happy she needs lots of cuddles today.
Fank you everyone for you symphony. I think I need your help Stanley. And I think Rory would make me feel better too. But mummy sayz it was playing wif the boyz that got me in bovver to start with I'm holding out for my spot on the big bed tonight. I'm sure the CONE won't bother THEM any more than me
We have visitors round tonight. So much fun and going to be having pizzas...daddy has got all the heaters ready and I am going to help him make the pizzas. I love pizza nights...
We're not doing any barbeecyoos . Even worse Mum and Dad disappeared off without me today to go and look at daffdidillls. Ripple
Nooooo pongo, not the daffdidills. You might have to go to the vetbum man if you eat too many. But if you were just destroying them for maximum effect then that's cool and I salute you.
Lilly hope your ear is better and you got rid of that pesky cone, Stanley has an excellent method for removal so hope that worked for you. Also just checking you are getting the right amount of symphony from your hoomans? Do not be fobbed off by normal food during this time of recuperation, you need sossidges, cheeez and maybe steak? My fave is ribeye.