Hi everyone, I know that you need to socialize puppies to toddlers, but my toddler has been really distressed since getting Mindy. He's an only child and is used to getting all of mommy's attention. I've tried keeping them separated more and dividing my time between the two, but I feel bad for both of them. It's also sad because Mindy wants to be included but I leave her safely on the deck. He's been having a lot of difficulty going to school now (only three days a week) and behaving. Have you guys encountered this situation? If so, how did you handle it? Did it get better? Thanks! Sunny
Hi , how old is your little boy ? If possible , why not let him help with some of the puppy jobs , like feeding etc . ? You are right that socialisation is vital, but supervised closely of course , I think if you can involve your little boy, even in the most simple of tasks , it help re the resentment x
Hi Kate, He's only 2.5 so getting him involved is a little difficult, which is unfortunate. I've tried showing him how to play with her, which he LOVES but it happens very rarely. Today, he enjoyed (for the first time) holding her by the leash. I even caught him petting her. I just feel so bad, but I can't keep them apart forever. Sunny
Hi Sorry I'm not in the same situation but I just wanted to assure you close supervision and separation won't be forever. Although I don't have children I do work at a rugby club and on Sunday's there are around 200 children there - some love dogs, others are terrified of them. I have seen some of those children who were scared of Bailey as a puppy come round and now their first question to me on a Sunday morning is "Where's Bailey". Obviously no jealousy involved but it has been wonderful to see their growing confidence over the last year with my boy. Any little thing that gets your pup and son interacting, even for a couple of seconds, is a success. Good luck
My toddler is starting to help feed Mindy and even takes the leash (with me actually holding it) on walks. It was a great suggestion to get him involved. It seems to be helping immensely! Thank you all. Sunny
Not much help but I wanted to let you know my sister's child was the same when they got their first puppy. However my niece was 9 years old and helping with puppy chores, as others suggested, did help her get over her green eyes. It also helped with the reason Sis's family got a dog in the first place. Niece was terrified of dogs and having her own, who started out little and got bigger as she helped him to, helped her.