Not one ? Something a bit wrong there. We didn't get eggs but we got Chocky bones. Maybe you'll get one soon ?
No Monty, pigs in blankets are the best!!! We had them at krissmus. It's sossidges and bacon.. I repeat SOSSIDGES AND BACON. I hope I get two! Stanley
I haven't had anything special for easter....but there's time yet. There's a huge slab of belly pork on top of the cooker..I'm not allowed much pork as I made myself sick with it once. They just don't forget.. but I hope to get some later. And chocolate..?? Please let me get some chocolate. Please. - Coco
I got foggy chocolate egg today, but mum said we already had some doggy chocolate my Hooman sister brought me and my friends for our walk today.......she's being a meanie But, I did see all my friends today.......Holly, Harvey, Cassie, Ted and Pongo . We walked and played for hours. It as great. Off for a snooze now to dream about my friends.......especially Pongo
I'm not even getting my normal kongs , as my tummy is still sore. I would really like sossidge and bacon. You are so lucky Stanley - your Mum sounds the best. Ripple
We had a barbeeque tonight for dinner. I first got this really yummy beefrib for my dinner, I ate that really quickly while daddy was doing something else with all the other tasty meat....then I helped daddy cook dinner for the hoomans. Daddy said I am drooooliiinng far to much tonighy and being greedy. Not sure what he means...but I am only helping. He kept on giving me small pieces of steak. I love it whe daddy cooks, he always gives me something if I lay still and look pretty. They are saying we have to pack soon as we are going on hloliday soon. I have my toy so I am ready...apperantly it is a very long way away and we are going on a ferry...don't know what that is but hope it is not scary. Time for bed now...
OMG, all this talk of sossidges and they have suddenly appeared - I think you've all sent telepathy to make my mum buy some!!!!! Though she said we are having extra sossidges cos the beef's shrunk? Keep thinking bacon and maybe that will appear too, I'm sure I can smell some in the fridge.
Coco - I am as red as a beetroot now, Daddy says. Thank you I am not normaly shy, as I always want to say hello to everybody... Yes I got loads of steak...I think more than I should have. But had a long walk and play this morning.
I was feeling really sad because our young humans aren't here any more. My favourite young human who plays really exciting fetch games with me was here for a whole two weeks and mum let me wake him up in the mornings sometimes. But guess what, when I dashed upstairs and pushed the bedroom door open yesterday morning... he wasn't there. Tuppy had even taken her ball up too... It seemed as if it was going to be a very quiet day because mum had to go out, but just as I was snoozing the time away two of our bitolderhumans arrived to take us for a walk. We had a long walk through the town and into huuuuge park with lots of lovely smells... and lots of deer too, so we had to stay on our leads. Tuppy pulled and pulled and pulled, but I didn't. Then I bounced and bounced when I saw mum coming towards us and she took us home in the car. Just to prove we weren't too tired we then had a lovely long, noisy game of bitey face in the evening when mum was chatting on the phone. What a day! Now I need to have a word with mum about these sossidges... Wispa
Yes she's a nice girl, OJ, she gave me some to, I really, really liked it. We did have such fun yesterday -- I luvluvluved it there
Yes Wispa the young ones are such fun and sooooooo eggscitin to be around. But the bitolderhoomans to their best for us really, don't they?
And OJ gave me choklit too. What a nice person. After that my people and I had lunch with Ted and his people and they gave me lamb. Ted let me carry his bone around the garden.
No chocolate for Coco Small piece of pork (at the table - thanks mum )........but been PROMISED barbeecyew - even though dad is saying "weather forecast has changed" - Coco
Dad says he's taking me to symnonsyat today. That means riverside walk, maybe a swim, and flapjacks at the log cabin. Wooohooo! Hurry up and get your shoes on dad!
I got LAMBBB everyone, no chockie eggs but LAMB it was the most tasty delishius thing ive eaten. I even recalled away from a dalmation who wanted to play for some of the stuff. Happy eester. P.s i am good at days, and my hoomans are not in work what is this witchcraft?
No choklit for me either, but mum gave us some special dogtripeandvenisonsossidge today. It smelt scrummy but I'm not sure what it tasted like because I swallowed mine whole and I think Wispa did too. Mum said something like "why did I bother', so did I do something wrong? Tuppy
Me and Moo have been super good today and we got like loads of treats. Its just been so nice having ginger at home she's been very well behaved too.
We had a lovely time at symnonsyat. I had a few splashes in the river. Later I found a nice bog with black mud and green bits on top. It smelled wonderful. Dad took me to the cafe and I tried to jump the counter to take an apple. He said I'm barrasing, whatever that is. He shared his flapjack with me.