Bentley's first walk..advice please

Discussion in 'Labrador Puppies' started by Lorj2000, Sep 28, 2013.

  1. Lorj2000

    Lorj2000 Registered Users

    Aug 8, 2013
    So.... 1 week today and Bentley can go out for walks!!! He is desperate, bless him!!! We have tried him on the lead in the garden a few times but we dont get far as he just sits/lies down and starts chewing his lead! Any advice for first walks?? Was just thinking a short walk around our estate. From what I have read, its good to get them off the lead asap?? Any good tips/advice for this will be greatly appreciated!

    Also, biting.....Bentley has suddenly become very confident over these last few days and is really biting me hard!!! he has drew blood a few times and it hurts like hell. CAnnot beliveve how sharp his teeth are.......everytime he does it I say "No" in a very firm voice and ignore him but most of the time he carries on and wants to play! he was tetsing me yesterday and wouldnt stop nipping at my feet so in the end I gave him some "Time out" in his pen, came down 5 minutes later and he had weed on the floor, not on his pads (Only using them during day when we are out) as if to say "Up Yours"...AHHHHHHHHH!!! Please tell me the biting/niping gets better......he is 10 weeks old!
  2. pippa@labforumHQ

    pippa@labforumHQ Administrator

    May 10, 2011
    Re: Bentley's first walk..advice please

    Lots of pups do this, you need to hold the lead in quite a vertical position, so it goes straight down from above to his collar, and at the same time jolly him along and keep him focused on your rather than the lead. You can place little pieces of food on the ground behind you as you walk along so that he is busy picking these up. You may find you can only go a very short distance like this to begin with, then just unclip the lead and do something else for a while. You'll need to get him used to the lead in the house and garden first so that he is not trying to get hold of it when you actually want to walk him somewhere

    Here is an article which should help you
  3. NNorris13

    NNorris13 Registered Users

    Aug 11, 2013
    Re: Bentley's first walk..advice please

    Hi Lorj2000!

    I understand exactly how you feel with the biting. Dexter is around 17 weeks now and the biting has calmed down. Around a week or two ago he started losing his teeth so be prepared! The chewing/gnawing is in full mode but plenty of Kongs, ice cubes and a stag bar keeps it at bay!

    As for walking, hows that going? Dexter has been going out for walks for about 4 weeks now I think and biting the lead is stopping slowly. I think he is starting to realise when the lead comes out, we go out of the house. Its all about patience but I know how you mean about being pushed!

    I've said many "no's" through gritted teeth!

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