My hoomum says I'm barrasing too! I licked a chocolate biscuit at her friend's house. It was on a coffe table - well, wouldn't you??! ..
Unfortunately Holly they are not logical creatures like us. That one of mine for instance she gets annoyed if I lick the plates in the sink shes washing them anyway. We try to help but it's so hard when they can be so unreasonable Rory x
This morning , me and Nell had to go to the VET man for a check up , he says I am fab , well I know that don't I ? But Nell wasn't as good as me , there was a hooman in the waiting room place , they had a big boxy thing with wabbits in it and Nell went loopy , she was scweeling like a mad thing . The Hooman said he would take one out of the box to show to Nell , and my Mummy scweemed NO , please don't do that ! Anyway , Vet man is pleased with me , and Nell has to have an operachun , to take some bits away I think , serves her right for scweeming at the wabbits xx
Good heavens whatever possessed him? Am so pleased the Vet man is happy with you. It will make your Hoo mans happy too.
I could have eatten that wabbit epecially a snack sized baby one Yum. Perhaps he wanted to give it to her to eat. Moo
Never seen a wabbit! I tasted some feathers of a Canada Goose on the weekend though - not good but very fun to chase! Mum and Dad were very mad and very very embrassed, since tons and tons of humans were in line to get ice cream by the river and watched me. Some cheered me on! It was really so great, but then I had to go on my leash and got no taste of ice cream and I lost my ball in the river in the excitement of it all. I'm not sure what it is better though, chasing geese or ice cream...that's a tough one. Quinn
We found a really really flat desicated frog. Rory gave it a lick but he Said it was yucky . This why I have kept Rory he's decorative and useful for tasting my food. He's a dear boy but clearly no criminal genius like me. I would have got a goose and had the ice cream for afters Moo
I regressed back to a six month old puppy this evening. Biting slippers, stealing the watering can and generally being very annoying. That'll teach them to spend four days at home with me and then leave me alone today, ha! Though it was very tiring, I'm back to being a mature 3 year old again now.
I dunno whatchoo mean! I is six months old neeerly and I is NOT annoying! I was helping Mum earlier when she was packing to go to Spayne. I collected all the shoes and put them on a pile on the bed and I took all the toys she was putting in a travel box back out again and ran round and round and round with them to show her how excited I was to go on hollydays. The best bit was that Daddy has already put my pen in the car so they couldn't put me in there to supervise from afar like they normally do. I'm far more useful when I'm allowed to get stuck right in
to the nice vet lady who tried to win me over with a big scoop of peanut butter: mum wasn't lying. it's not meat. i don't like it. - Killah WP_20170416_007 by kilotango, on Flickr
Luna, apparently girls mature lots faster than boys so you are probably at least as grown up as me anyway. Also it sounds like you were being helpful, collecting shoes sounds very useful! I prefer to take one shoe and leave it in a completely different place to the other shoe. Normally outside.
So today is my burfday... Whatever that means. I like burfdays though because it means I get new toys and get to share all of mum and dads food! And I got yummy chikin for dinner!! I hope tomorrow if a burfday too..
Mum's training is coming on well. When I'm sitting on her lap on the couch and drop my chew toy, I look at her and then at the toy over and over again until she picks it up for me. I always make sure to lick her leg when she picks it up. You've got to remember to reward their good behaviour.
It means you get presents and cake and lots of fuss and everyone tells you how amazing you are! But it only happened on one day for me Stanley
I had a top walk today ging got the magic car and we went into the country. I was incredibly brave when I got a thorn in my foot I let ginger take it out, so brave fearless thats me it was a really big one. Had to have a bit of a bath i was green and silty again really had fun though. Met some nice dogs and a labrador with no manners. Had my tea and now I'm ready for a sofa snooze mmmmm