Oh Rory Rory you are sooooo brave, such a big man, how luvly that you got to the countryside, I am lucky cos I have countryside outside my garden gate. Green and silty is reeeaaallly good
Well if you like that sort of thing, I'm a bit of a Princess for a Labrador (daft old girl clicked post too soon, she's got that bottle out again and it's only Wednesday)
On todays walk we went past the bog of eternal stench. Its a lovely place full of deep gloopy bog with nice green bits on top. Just before we got there dad took out some sossige and held it under my nose. Well Ive never refuses sossidge in my life so I tried to take it, but he hid it between his fingers. Well I tried and tried to lick it out of his hand and eventually succeeded. It was delishus. Then I realised that the bog of eternal stench was behind us, and I would have to double back to get to it. Tricky things, dads!
Oh my word Holly, that is sooooo unfare.......but still like I say, I am quite the Princess really...but still whatever flotes your bote I suppose. Hey djoo no wot, tis my burfday tomorrow !1
Ha ha Holly, you've been had! I jumped onto what looked like a flat brown patch this morning, but went right in up to my knees - great fun! Mum just said "Oh Coco! Stinky muck-hound!" - Coco
Happy belated Burfday Ella, and Happy Burfday today Cassie Woofs and licks from Monty Mooster xx Who feels hard done by because his Burfday was 'forgotten' this year
Thank you - I'm happy today. But I'm not allowed on my Bed that they think is their sofa 'cos I'm wet..... really you'd think on a burfday you could do whatever you want wouldn't you?
We`ve all been to a place called Pets at Home , it was fab cos I got biscuits and lots of fuss . Nell loved the guinea pigs and mousey things , she got mega excited and had to be taken outside by Daddy, he said she needed some time out , silly little thing ! Then she came back in , and she was good like me . Mummy bought a thing called a long training line for Nell , she that she can scamper about , I reckon it will be fun in the woods, with all those trees to wrap around , Mummy might just regret it ! People laugh when they see me and Nell together , cant think why ? Sam x
Daddy has finally fixed the silly internet. We are on lolidays in the middle of nowhere according to Nana Carole. We have to take her everywhere with us at the moment. But she is OK, on the way here I sat in the back with mummy, Daddy had to drive. We then stopped after a few hours and went on this big thing. My hoomans called it a ferry, but I have no idea as all I knew was it made a big noise and then rattled. That was not nice, but then when I looked over the side all I could see was water. I told Daddy I need to go for a swim, but he said no. So disappointing...he did say we would go to the beach tomorrow. Anyway that was really tiresome, and I had a good night sleep last night. I also saw these funny things that just eat grass, but when you come near them they stand up and are still as anything and look at you. I did not like the look of them so I barked. Problem was more and more appeared...in the end there where loads on this field. Daddy said it was time to go, but I just looked at them and they looked at us. I was not allowed off the lead at all, as he said it is to dangerous. Anyway they are all over the place here....anyway there are loads of treats on the ground that I keep on finding. Funny thing is they are not from Daddy...apparently it is nice poo from those funny creatures...tastes yummy... OK time for bed now and I will tell you more tomorrow if I remember...
I found a yummy morsel this morning. Or so I thought. Mum thought I had poo and said "LEAVE", but it changed from yummy to IIICKKKKKK!! I spat it out. She said "Oh Coco! it's a piece of hedgehog!!" It really wasn't nice. Then we went on a path made of cow poo............Heaven - Coco
Went for more gundog training today and had a smashing time! I even did some hurdling over logs. The trainer said I've got a really good nose - but of course I have otherwise how could I find all that lovely poo . And there was really loud bangs just before I had to go and find the dummy so it made it super xciteing. I did good but Mum blowed the whistle wrong, but it was ok cos I ignored it anyway . I was soooo tired when I got home that I slept for ages. Then I had luvely mackerralls for tea. Ripple
Oh yes I've been gundog training today too and I had a luvly day too I like the trainer man, he got me a special dummy and I got to bring it home. I didn't do any herdelling or hav any bangs but I'm going to I heard them say. I had to run down a hill and back up again with it . I kept taking it to the trainer man at first then I thought oh don't leave the old girl out, let her hav a go and she was everso pleased. I'm asleep writing this.......zzzzzz
It's raining today. I hate rain and getting my feet wet. Pouring rain is the worst. Sometimes, once I get out in it, it's OK, but I'm refusing to go out today cause it's too dark and gloomy. I would rather rest on the couch and help mum cook, which is mostly hitting her with my nose til I get a veggie. Works like a charm. Quinn
I've no ideah, I think it might be cos I am beeeyoootiful Or it might that he feels sorry for me having to live with the old girl, I mean she tries her best but really sometimes
It's raining here too Quinn. I just had my breakfast and need to wee but don't want to get wet so I think I'll wait until later.
Happy birthday for yesterday Ella @Emily Happy birthday Cassie @selina27 Hope you both had lots of special treats x