On our evening walk yesterday, I was doing some training with Willow and Shadow while J played games with Luna. When we regrouped, I noticed Squidge had one very soggy foot. Not unusual, as she loves water, but there were no puddles or springs around. Weird. J said, "Oh I threw a bit of cheese for her and she stood on it. She could smell it under her foot, so she just licked and licked until she worked out she could move her paw."
Yep Rory grabs his bowl but puts his foot in it then he's stuck. He won't let go with his mouth but won't take his foot out. Hes hopping round the kitchen on 3 legs but he won't let go or move his foot. He just gets so excited about his tea
Yes we get that when we do training every now and again and Vanilla is not a chocolate girl....I put it down to being a Labrador pup...
I live for your puppy shenanigan stories! Puppy brain decisions, while questionable at times, never fail to bring a smile and a giggle
She's been at it again. Last night, I tossed her a piece of cheese. She's not the world's best catcher, and it ended up like this. She looked for it for ages. Bless her. Sorry, awful picture but I was laughing too much!