Getting a Lab Puppy

Discussion in 'Labrador Puppies' started by Sophia, Apr 19, 2017.

  1. Sophia

    Sophia Registered Users

    Apr 19, 2017

    We are getting a lab puppy in a couple of days. This will be our very first dog ever!! And I am scared and extremely nervous that I am having a slightly hard time sleeping or focusing on studying.

    So, a little back story... when my sister and i were growing up, both of us were attacked by dogs, and almost bit since we lived in India. Then, a decade of living there we moved to Canada and dogs were a normal part of everyone’s lives. I was always so jealous that people and dogs seemed to gel so well whereas I had a fear of dogs. But overtime i got okay with walking by dogs on a leash (whereas before i could not, but my sister to this day will not walk by a leashed dog on the sidewalk, she will change directions).

    But having said of all that my younger brother is not scared of dogs at all, and neither are my parents. My sister and I are well into our early 20’s and we all decided to buy a lab as our first pet. We are def very excited... we bought his stuff today, and obv he’s just so cute in the videos sent by the breeder. We have already started to research pet insurance, dog training classes, youtube videos, articles...

    Nevertheless, I am just so freaking nervous though, what if i am still scared, or what if we are bad owners, or what if he doesn’t gel with our family...

    Any thoughts/experiences/advice/tips will be much appreciated.

    Thank you!!
  2. snowbunny

    snowbunny Registered Users

    Aug 27, 2014
    Andorra and Spain
    Hey Sophia and welcome to the forum. It's perfectly normal to feel a bit overwhelmed about the prospect of a new puppy, so don't worry about that. It sounds like you're not going to be the sole caregiver for the new pup, and that's great you'll all be able to split the load.

    I think, especially with your history of being scared of dogs, it would be well worth reading through this thread:
    Not to put you off, but to prepare you for what normal behaviour is for a Lab puppy. He will bite. He will be crazy. He may even growl and lunge at your face. This is all perfectly normal and isn't aggression. However, how you all deal with it is of paramount importance to ensure that your puppy grows up as well as he can. This means not punishing all this very natural behaviour - certainly not bopping him on the nose, holding him down until he submits or any of the other nonsense that you may have heard. Those dominance-based methods have been proven to cause more harm than good and are based on debunked hypotheses of canine behaviour. Using them can actually create aggression, where there was just normal behaviour previously.

    Read the articles on the main site here: and have everyone else do the same. Make sure you're all on the same page about how you are going to raise him, or you will end up even more stressed and he will end up confused.

    Don't expect the problems, when they arise, to go away immediately. Puppies need to grow out of biting more than be trained out of it, and this can take weeks and months. There is no quick cure, although using the consistent methods outlined on this forum and the main site may speed things along, and help you manage him in the meantime.

    Good luck and please do post photos when you get him :)
    Last edited: Apr 19, 2017
    Stacia likes this.
  3. Sophia

    Sophia Registered Users

    Apr 19, 2017
    @snowbunny thank you for replying so quickly!! Def catching up on the reading, and setting our expectations so that we are ready for him!!

    Will def post pictures once we get him =)
  4. 20180815

    20180815 Guest

    Hi Sophia,

    I was also attacked and bitten by a dog growing up, requiring hospital care and stitches etc. Still have the scars, so I understand your trepidation. I think the best way to approach your new puppy is to see him for who he is and not for the dog that attacked you. He's his own little unique being :) The main caution I can give is echoing what @snowbunny has said...Labrador puppies can be REALLY BITEY! It could be quite a shock if you're not prepared for it. But just remember he's a puppy, puppies bite, puppies play rough, but puppies aren't aggressive and aren't trying to hurt you, and that it's a phase that will pass.
    selina27 likes this.
  5. Boogie

    Boogie Supporting Member Forum Supporter

    Mar 29, 2014
    My son was bitten on his face when he was growing up. His brother saw it happen and he was scared of dogs because of it.

    Getting our own dog was the best cure.

    Remember Labs are Total Crocodiles when pups, they frequently draw blood - friendly but very, very bitey - more than any other breed of dog.

    Snowbunny's advice is well worth following.

    And welcome to you from Mags, Tatze and Mollie from Manchester UK :hi:

    Tatze is my pet dog, a black Lab and she's four years old. Tatze means 'paw' in German.

    Mollie is my fourth Guide Dog puppy, a black Lab who is six months old.

  6. Samantha Jones

    Samantha Jones Registered Users

    Apr 19, 2016
    Hi and welcome to the forum from me and my boy Bailey, a 14 month old Fox Red Lab. We are in Northampton UK. Nothing more to add than the excellent advice you have already been given - just remember ALL lab puppies are little crocodiles, and yes they will draw blood, but once that phase has past (and it will) you will have a dog with a very gentle mouth - the one thing I found that got me through was teaching bite inhibition. Now when playing if he teeth touch me by accident I simply say "no teeth" and it turns into a massive licking session!

    Photo's are a must! So are updates! So exciting for you all I wish you all the luck in bringing your pup home - remember it may take a few days for them to settle in, but once they do your bond will form. I couldn't be without my boy now, not for anything :chuckle:
  7. Jay Z

    Jay Z Registered Users

    Jan 14, 2017
    Western NY
    Welcome Sophia I to have been attacked by 2 dogs when I was younger. Doberman pinchers dragged me off my bike and bite me up good. Before the days of slapping a law suit on someone, but anyways my fault cause dogs love to chase.. That was an attack not playful puppy bites so you'll be fine.. Enjoy

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