I have a 4 month old puppy - mom is a Yorkie and dad is a lab and the puppy looks all chocolate lab. I have been feeding her Whole Earth Farms dry puppy food and suddenly she doesn't want to eat it and is having very loose stools. After reading lots of info on puppy food, I am very overwhelmed and need some help on what brand is best for her. Any suggestions? Thank you.
Hi @Blossom , if there is a sudden change in either the eating vomiting or pooping department in a 4 month old, I would have a low threshold for running it past the vet for starters. I'm afraid I haven't heard of that particular puppy food, but if she has had that for the last few weeks and then a sudden change to loose stools, my first instinct would be to look at other causes. Has she picked something up to eat she shouldn't have. And welcome to the forum! jac
We saw the vet yesterday and he didn't seem concerned. She now is refusing to eat her dog food. I had another kind so I gave her that and she ate it right up. I'm thinking that she isn't crazy about the whole earth farms brand. What do you feed your dog?