Does anybody else on this forum use social media for their dog? Max has his own Instagram page likes to show himself off, proper little poser
I don't because I'm not that savvy, but I do follow several dogs on Facebook, so maybe I'm a crazy dog lady too, and what's wrong with that?!!!!!
Mmm...pretty sure nearly everyone here qualifies as a crazy dog lady (or crazy dog guy), each for our own "special" reasons. But if you're going to qualify yourself as part of the club because of Max's instagram, the least you could do for us is give a link where we can witness the crazy!
I can't seem to find it, but there is a thread where everyone shared their dog/personal instagram on here...quite a few!
I think if you have to ask that question, then - yes, you probably are!! In which case you are not alone...
If anybody wanted to check out my boys page it's @blacklabmaximus My sister introduced me to Instagram and I'm hooked looking at all the different dogs and their stories