Do your dogs go back to sleep in the morning?

Discussion in 'Labrador Puppies' started by DebzC, May 7, 2017.

  1. DebzC

    DebzC Registered Users

    Aug 19, 2016
    Hi there, just wondering on the normal routine for dog sleeps. I'm sure there isn't one but Libby is in her 'bedroom' (the utility room) from about 10:15pm to 7:30am. She has her breakfast soon as we open her door then plays about with a ball and soft toy then sleeps again. Maybe she's been milling about in her room for hours already? If we go for a walk straight after breakfast she's fine, full of energy. Is it just boring for her waiting for me to have breakfast and get dressed or are dogs genuinely tired at this time?
  2. Boogie

    Boogie Supporting Member Forum Supporter

    Mar 29, 2014
    Dogs sleep when they have nothing to do. Tatze has breakfast, then sleeps until walkies time (if the puppy lets her!)

    DebzC likes this.
  3. edzbird

    edzbird Registered Users

    Mar 31, 2015
    Isle of Man
    Coco sleeps/snoozes after breakfast if no one will play with him. Then it's time for a walk.
    DebzC likes this.
  4. Atemas

    Atemas Registered Users

    Feb 22, 2017
    We get up at 6 (but are generally in bed early) as DH likes to walk early morning with older dog. Red (puppy) has her breakfast, plays a bit on her bed, then goes back to sleep until 9.30 ish. This currently works well as I can get showered, dressed, look at this forum :), jobs done etc and be ready for when she wakes and walk time. I too wonder how much she has been awake during such a long sleep. Last night, she slept on her bed in the sitting room from 8-9 pm but was still ready to go in her crate at 9.00 pm.
    gigilovesbuffy and DebzC like this.
  5. Jes72

    Jes72 Registered Users

    Jul 5, 2014
    This morning our usual weekend routine, H woke us up at 7am, hubby got up gave him his breakfast, let him out then H come up on our bed, hubby then got up to go rowing while I'm having a lazy sleep in with H fast asleep and no sign of wanting a walk just yet.
    DebzC likes this.
  6. Rosie

    Rosie Registered Users

    Feb 14, 2014
    South Wales
    Pongo would consider this unacceptable behaviour from us. Not play with him? No walk? Uh-uh. He will nag and nag and nag and drop his chin on my laptop and nudge my elbow and give me The Stare and pace and pace and nudge and.... (you get the idea) until we go for his walk. Then - once he's sure playtime is over - fast asleep for the rest of the morning.
    DebzC, SwampDonkey and MF like this.
  7. edzbird

    edzbird Registered Users

    Mar 31, 2015
    Isle of Man
    Ha ha @Rosie. Coco gets a "cornflake" from each of us at the breakfast table (midweek only). He sits and waits, eyes half shut, chin resting on the table, looking like a hungover teenager. The moment he's had his second "cornflake" he's off to bed.
  8. kateincornwall

    kateincornwall Registered Users

    Mar 4, 2012
    Sam enjoys a lie in after his garden visit and breakfast , will happily snooze for another hour until walk time kicks in . Nell is more playful , but will happily play on her own until walk time , after which they both sleep for an hour or two x
    DebzC likes this.
  9. charlie

    charlie Registered Users

    Sep 29, 2012
    Hampshire, UK
    Charlie is walked at 0600 then has his breakfast with Hattie, he goes back to bed then appears for a corner of my toast, goes back to bed. I take Hattie out around 0900 after the College run, when I return about 2 hours later Charlie is asleep and doesn't even drag himself out of bed to say hello :rolleyes: He will sleep until I take him outside for some games and training. They both get a lunchtime chew and sleep. I think dogs, well mine anyway, will sleep unless I offer something more exciting for them to do which I do every day. Not a bad life at all :) xx
    gigilovesbuffy and DebzC like this.
  10. JenBainbridge

    JenBainbridge Registered Users

    Jun 28, 2016
    Darlington, UK
    Stanley hates doing anything more than snooze before 11am. He is not a morning person. I got up at 10am today and he'd been asleep solidly since about 6.30 last night o_O moved from the couch for a wee then to bed.

    Then he got his walk about 12-2.30 and that included going to have a cuppa with my mum. He'll be asleep until about 5 now then he'll get another stroll at that will be him for the night.

    His lazy lifestyle fits in with me perfectly :)
    Stacey3, DebzC, Granca and 5 others like this.
  11. Plum's mum

    Plum's mum Registered Users

    Jan 1, 2017
    East Sussex
    My 12 year old son often says he wishes he was a dog and reading about Stanley's life,
    I can see why. It gave me a right old chuckle :D
  12. Joy

    Joy Registered Users

    Mar 22, 2014
    Molly's with Stanley on this. She stays in bed in the mornings -doesn't get up for a wee - until either OH or I insist it's walk time. She'll happily lie there till gone 10. On the other hand we do still have 'happy hour' in the evening for about 30 minutes, when she pesters to play by nudging with her nose. She's just not a morning person.
    DebzC and JenBainbridge like this.
  13. Arun Natarajan

    Arun Natarajan Registered Users

    Feb 1, 2017
    Puppies, as I have noticed with many of my friends and even Cookie who is almost 5 and half months old now, have different sleep pattern. Earlier he used to sleep much longer. However, now the number of hours have come down. But generally, most pups tend to take a nap after having food or invariably if nothing interesting is happening. Especially, if you keep him tied to a place, all he can do is nothing but sleep. Pets try to copy owners day to day patterns. Like, I get up early in the morning, like 6;00 am, Cookie also wakes up almost instantly, when I wake up. When I take a afternoon nap during week ends, he cozies near me and sleeps also. But, having said that, the moment I wear my shoes, he moves like a lightning to the main door of the house. It only takes him less than may be 1/10 of a second to get out of the door.
    DebzC likes this.
  14. Naya

    Naya Registered Users

    Sep 14, 2013
    Bristol, UK
    Harley is a lazy girl. She gets up for breakfast when one of us gets up (usually around 7am weekdays and 8am weekends). She has breakfast, goes for a wee etc then comes in the front room, lies across my legs and sleeps until about 8.30am weekdays and 11am weekends. When we have the SW walkies meet ups she is really reluctant to get up and get moving and I often have to lure her into the car with treats, When I go to work she takes herself back to bed and stays there until either I or my dog walker come.
    DebzC likes this.
  15. MF

    MF Registered Users

    May 5, 2014
    Cape Town, South Africa
    I'm sure Pongo and Snowie are long lost brothers! They are so similar in so many ways. Snowie has learned that resting his chin on my leg is extremely cute. I can't say no to a walk when he does that. Over time he has made his chin heavier and heavier - it's extreme cuteness - he's learned that the heavier the chin on leg, the quicker I heave myself away from the laptop.
    Jyssica and Rosie like this.
  16. b&blabs

    b&blabs Registered Users

    Sep 8, 2016
    I let my puppy out around 7:30 (sometimes earlier if she really has to go and whines) and then on the weekends or on off days we go back for sure! If I get up, she'll stay up with me.

    And my older guy would sleep in as late as I wanted!
    DebzC likes this.
  17. Xena Dog Princess

    Xena Dog Princess Registered Users

    Jun 30, 2016
    Wellington, New Zealand
    I'm up by 7am most days (730am on the weekend) and Xena goes for her poo/wee/garden sniff. She gets her brekkie after I've fed the chooks. Then she'll generally snooze until I take her for her big walk, I try to be out by 930-10am. She'll then snooze until mid-arvo when I take her out for some dog soccer and sometimes some training in the garden. Then it's pottering/snoozing until our evening stroll around the neighbourhood at 6ish. Then it's a stinky-fish Kong/the rest of her kibble allowance and zzzzz until morning. When I'm out working in the garden she's usually with me, eating sticks and digging up treasures from under the deck :rolleyes:
    DebzC likes this.
  18. Granca

    Granca Registered Users

    Jan 12, 2014
    That's exactly what Tuppence does too! Both dogs go into the garden after their breakfast, usually about three times to interrupt my breakfast - and led by Tuppy because she knows they'll get a treat each time for coming in from the garden. If i then go to check emails she'll nag.

    Once they've had their morning walk/play in the garden they just sleep. The next 'action stations' time tends to be around 4-4.30pm when the nagging for supper starts unless, of course, there are any signs of further walks or other excitements!
    Plum's mum and MF like this.
  19. DebzC

    DebzC Registered Users

    Aug 19, 2016
    How reassuring to hear these routines. Love them! @JenBainbridge Stanley's a lazy mare lol.
    Plum's mum and JenBainbridge like this.
  20. Jyssica

    Jyssica Registered Users

    Sep 12, 2016
    Liverpool, UK
    Rolo isnt much of a napper, it really irritates me. But lately, ive started sittin in the kitchen with him (I think the lounge is too hot) and once hes bored, sniffed everything and realised Im not playing, he naps now which is some improvement on a few months back.

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